Chapter 300

Chu Palace
"Your Majesty, these are the crispy plums from the new tribute, you can try them!" The beautiful maid brought a plate of bright yellow plums to Chu Tianqi.

Chu Tianqi rolled his dull eyes, glanced at the maid, and said, "Sour, don't eat."

The maid hurriedly said: "It's not sour, it's very sweet, if you don't believe me, you can try it?"

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "No, or you can try one and show me first!"

The maid was taken aback, she was extremely unwilling, but she had no choice but to pick up a crispy plum and lightly took a bite.

The sour and astringent feeling filled her tongue, she wanted to spit it out, but she didn't dare, she knew that Nanny Sha was hiding aside to peek, if she spit it out, she would definitely be punished when she went back.

The maid forced a smile on her face: "It's delicious, it's delicious."

Chu Tianqi said blankly: "Is it really delicious?"

The court lady nodded: "Of course, when did Bing'er deceive the emperor?" She picked up a crispy plum and handed it to Chu Tianqi: "Your majesty, just have a taste!"

Chu Tianqi received it in his hand, brought the green and yellow crispy plum to his mouth and took a bite, the sour juice overflowed into his mouth, he immediately frowned, spit out the plum with a bah sound, and shouted: " It's unpalatable, you're lying!" He jumped up suddenly, and after messing with the plum in his hand, he pushed Bing'er to the ground and kicked her twice: "Get out, get out!"

Although Chu Tianqi was young, his head was as tall as Bing'er, a man like an adult, his feet were naturally not light, he kicked Bing'er to tears, he hurriedly left the dormitory with the plate of plums.

After seeing Chu Tianqi's performance, Nanny Sha finally followed Bing'er and left the bedroom with satisfaction.

And Chu Tianqi, who was full of anger, gradually calmed down after Madam Sha left, and an imperceptible sternness appeared on his immature face.

The whole palace is full of Chu Lian's people, except for Bi Shui who was sent to Huanyi Division, he doesn't believe in anyone, if he wants to survive, he must know how to act.

In order to regain control of the government one day and avenge his revenge, he can bear anything.

A temporary loss of power is nothing, and it is still unknown who will have the last laugh.

Although he is young, he has a lot of time to take care of himself at every step. One day, he will avenge his father, mother, queen and sister, and kill Chu Lian, a pious dog thief.

Since Chu Lian took charge of the government, he abolished the benevolent government of tax cuts promulgated by his father and imposed heavy taxes by force. Although it was only half a year, there were already complaints from the people.

As the saying goes, those who have gained the Tao will be helped more, but those who have lost the Way will be helped less.

He believed that some of the ministers in the DPRK and China had conscience, and after a certain period of time, as long as he found an opportunity, he would be able to get help from the ministers. It was not a daydream to push back Chu Lian.

There will definitely be opportunities, and he will definitely seize them.



Pengcheng, Qi Mansion.

"Mother, this time I'm going to Beijing to report on my work, maybe I will stay in the capital to take up a job. At that time, I will send someone to pick you up to Beijing."

The old lady heard the voice of his words, and hurriedly asked: "What do you mean, you only take me to Beijing? Your wife and—"

Qi Yongchun interrupted her, and said in a deep voice: "Liang's half-crazy woman, why are you taking her to the capital? Don't you think you don't have enough embarrassment in Pengcheng?"

The old lady didn't make a sound, Qi Yongchun said again: "It's fine if it's just her, but if you take her away, she will definitely take her two children, one stupid and the other broken, if these things let the people in the capital Colleagues know, why don’t you laugh at me to death? How can I gain a foothold in the officialdom in Kyoto?”

(End of this chapter)

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