Chapter 301

The old lady looked at the son in front of her, she really deserved to be her son, he was cruel and ruthless, as if Rong Xue and Cheng Hao were not his flesh and blood.

A person can be so ruthless to his own flesh and blood, how filial can he be to her old woman in the future?
She didn't dare to think about it, and she didn't want to think about it.

"Okay, it's all up to you." The old lady nodded.

The mother and son thought that everything would develop as they imagined, but who knows, there is no impenetrable wall in this world.

Mrs. Liang knew about Qi Yongchun's arrangement in advance, and when he learned that he was going to leave their mother and son behind and bring only the old mother into Beijing, she immediately lost her temper in the Qi Mansion's courtyard, throwing everything that could fall in the house and the courtyard. He fell down completely, and even threatened to set the Qi Mansion on fire, so that he and his son and daughter would die together.

Qi Yongchun originally lived in the outer room, and when he heard the report from the servants, he hurried back to the mansion. Seeing the situation in the mansion, he was angry and shocked. At this juncture, if something happened to the Liang family, don't say The matter of staying in Beijing will be ruined, and his title of magistrate may not be guaranteed.

After weighing all kinds of things, he finally nodded and agreed to bring Mrs. Liang and a pair of children to Beijing together, but he had one condition, that is, he had to formally bring in the two outer rooms raised outside.

The two aunts in the yard were injured by Liang's body a few years ago, and they were unable to have children. If he didn't raise two women outside, the Qi family's future would be broken.

Now that the two outer chambers are pregnant one after another, he has no choice but to carry them into the mansion before entering Beijing, otherwise his reputation will not be good if he gives birth to a child in the future.

Liang's 1 people are unwilling, but thinking of his current precarious position, he can no longer confront Qi Yongchun, and Qi Yongchun's official career is getting smoother now. Although he has the credit of his natal family, his current status has already surpassed his natal family No matter how messed up she is, it will be useless.

I can only agree with tears in my eyes!

She often dreams, and she can always dream of Qi Rongyue's face. What Qi Rongyue said to her often echoes in her ears.

Is her current fate a retribution?

She is not reconciled!

Wenchang Houfu
Old Hou Ye was seriously ill, and even Yin Erye, who was far away in Pengcheng, rushed to Kyoto with his wife and mother to visit and accompany him.

Erye Yin was very pleased to see that his son had returned to Beijing before him. He was also worried that his son would not return to Beijing because of Qi Rongyue. It seemed that he was thinking too much, and his son was all about right and wrong, and he never made a mistake. .

"Father, grandfather's illness came suddenly. People from the Royal Hospital also came to see him. They said that he was getting old and his old illness had relapsed. This illness has fallen like a mountain. It may be very difficult to get back up."

Erye Yin was well aware of his son's temperament, so he suddenly pulled him to say this, he must have something else to say.

"What do you want to say? You can just say it directly. You don't have to go around with me." Yin Erye said.

Yin Yixuan said: "Father, you also know that Rong Yue's medical skills are very good, if the imperial doctor can't cure the disease, maybe she can cure it, we can—"

Second Master Yin immediately interrupted his words, and said in a deep voice: "If this is the case, there is no need to say it a second time. Your grandfather's illness is not something you can joke about casually. Although Qi Rongyue's medical skills are excellent, it may not be as good as you said. She is so powerful, I don't believe that she is a woman, no matter how good her medical skills are, she can still surpass the imperial doctor." In his opinion, his son just wanted to take this opportunity to bring Qi Rongyue to the Marquis of Wenchang.

(End of this chapter)

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