Chapter 304
Chapter 304

Xue Er glared at the young man, and said: "You are the same, go to another medical clinic, it's fine, there's nothing wrong with it, what's the fun?"

The young man looked awkward, and said with a dry smile: "Miss Xue'er, you can't say that. Who said that I have nothing wrong with you? You can't see my troubles. Didn't I hear that Ms. Qi is good at medicine, so she came to see a doctor?" , otherwise, I've been waiting for a long time, why bother!"

Xue'er snorted, "I don't know if you have any problems. I only know that my lady only treats serious and intractable diseases. I see that you look good, speak well, and have a meddling spirit. What do you think?" It doesn't look like a sick person, even if you are really sick, it's definitely not a serious illness, you, you don't meet the standards for my young lady's treatment, you'd better leave as soon as possible, it will be useless if you spend any more time."

The young man made up his mind and refused to leave, but he has been here since yesterday. He saw too many people yesterday, so he stood idle for a while and then went back. He met Miss Qi from a distance. I was so shocked that I got up early today and came to the door to wait early in the morning, thinking that it would be good to have close contact with Ms. Qi while treating minor ailments. !

But who knows, Miss Xue'er is really serious, she refuses to let him stay, hmph, he wants to stay.

Xue'er shrugged: "Whatever you want, I'll tell you in advance, don't regret it, my lady always says one thing, and it will be your turn later, don't take it too seriously if you said something that made you unable to step down, because Anyone who delays her time by pretending to be a serious illness with a mild illness will have the same fate."

Young people don't believe it, how could such a girl who looks like a fairy be such a fierce person, absolutely not.

He must be as gentle as water, soft-spoken, and smiling like a flower.

Xue'er looked at the middle-aged man behind the young man again, and said, "You're not leaving either?"

The middle-aged man was as firm as the young man: "Don't go, I'm serious about seeing a doctor. I'm not the same as this little flower head. I'm really sick."

Xue'er covered her mouth and chuckled, "Yes, yes, you are really sick, it's absolutely true."

The middle-aged man looked slightly embarrassed, but he wasn't annoyed. He thought that as long as Miss Qi's slender fingers could help him, it would be worth it!

Xue'er tried to persuade a few young people again, but to no avail, so she didn't say anything more, the young lady had given her orders, she just had to persuade them, and if they didn't work out, she would ignore them, the young lady had her own way to make them never come to Rongyu Hall again .

Zheng Zhongwen has been observing the situation in the hall, and he found an interesting phenomenon that made him very annoyed and helpless. These people who came to see the doctor, nine out of ten were young, and none of them seemed to be sick. He is tall and straight, with normal complexion, only a few people with sick faces are mixed among the waiting people.

The guy standing by the consultation table called his number: "No. 32!"

"It's me, it's me!" The young man who had just quarreled with Xue'er rushed over excitedly, and sat down in front of the diagnosis table.

The young man smiled and looked at Ms. Qi who was sitting behind the consultation table. She was fair and beautiful, with an excellent temperament. Even wearing an ordinary green cloth dress, it was difficult to conceal her stunning appearance, which made her look more like Qingshui Soft and tender like a hibiscus.

The young man almost didn't drool, and smiled at Miss Qi: "I heard that Miss Qi's medical skills are excellent, and Xiaosheng has been admiring her for a long time. It is really a blessing for three lives to be diagnosed and treated by Miss Qi today."

(End of this chapter)

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