Chapter 305
Chapter 305

As he spoke, the young man stretched out his hand to Qi Rongyue, asking her to diagnose his pulse.

Qi Rongyue didn't move, she just glanced at the young man lightly, with a faint smile still on the corner of her lips.

She seemed to have the same expression on everyone, as if she had painted this smile on her face, always indifferent and alienated.

It was only when facing the limited number of people that this fake smile would be removed from her face.

Zheng Zhongwen smiled suddenly, very happy, the depression and helplessness in his heart disappeared, he suddenly realized that he was one of the limited few people, it turned out that as early as the first time they met in a real sense, she was very fond of her. He is just different.

Qi Rongyue looked at the young man with a light smile and a calm expression, but her voice was so clear that everyone around the consultation table could hear her voice.

"Young Master's illness is indeed serious, but it is easy to treat. As long as you don't go to brothels and gardens and rest more, your back pain, shortness of breath and cold sweats at night will naturally disappear."

The young man was taken aback for a moment, and then his face flushed like blood. She, how could she know?She clearly didn't even know the pulse, and didn't ask anything, how could she know so clearly, even the matter of his cold sweat in the middle of the night.

"Small, Miss was joking, I, I don't have these symptoms." The young man was stubborn. He had already felt a lot of mocking eyes from around, so he couldn't admit it.

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows: "There are no such symptoms? Then what disease are you looking for?"

The young man was speechless for a while, he was not sick at all, he just came to approach Fangze after hearing that Miss Qi was beautiful.

There was an imperceptible sarcasm in Qi Rongyue's smile, and her eyes were sharp enough to read people's hearts: "My lord, if you are not seriously ill in the future, don't come to Rongyu Hall, but you are weak, Instead, you can use some Guyuan pills specially made by Rongyutang, they are sold in the medicine cabinet, you can just go there."

After Qi Rongyue finished speaking, she turned her head and glanced at the clerk at the side. The clerk understood and immediately said, "The next one is number 33."

No. 33 is the middle-aged man who was also persuaded by Xueer to leave just now. He has been huddled behind the young man, and he was also in a state of agitation when he heard Miss Qi's diagnosis to the young man. At this time, his number plate was called. There was a trace of hesitation in my heart, but I thought that it was not worth it to leave after waiting for so long. Maybe Ms. Qi could not see whether he was sick from his face, so she would give him a diagnosis. What about one line?

So, with this kind of fluke mentality, he walked to the bench where the young man hadn't sat down and sat down. Miss Qi is really so beautiful no matter whether she looks at it from a distance or up close. In between, there was an unspeakable nobleness, with the color of a peony, but her temperament was like a deep valley white orchid, cold and ethereal, a very strange combination, but in her body, there was a perfect fusion.

"Miss Qi, I feel a little stuffy in my chest when I'm sleeping recently, please help me find out what's wrong with it?" He said, reaching out his hand to Miss Qi, and resting his wrist on the small wrist pillow.

Qi Rongyue still didn't move, maintaining the sitting posture just now, her eyes swept across the middle-aged man's body lightly, some people are sick, and they can't be seen through at a glance, they need to check the pulse, pinch the affected area, and ask many questions before they can be diagnosed cause.

But some people can tell whether they are really sick or just pretending to be sick with just one glance.

(End of this chapter)

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