Chapter 307 No More Rejection
Chapter 307

It was only when she stretched her waist that she realized that there were no outsiders in Rongyutang. In the chair behind the counter was a person who was not Rongyutang, with a pair of bright and deep eyes straight She stared at him with a half-smile.

She quickly retracted her widely opened arms, and turned into the elegant Qi Rongyue as before.

He got up, walked around the counter, walked straight to Qi Rongyue, and said with a smile, "I just found out today that Rong Yu Tang is really a profitable business. You actually sell such a small bottle of pills for 1000 taels?" The young man who was told by Rongyue that he was physically weak due to frequent visits to brothels, when he came to buy medicine, the clerk said that a bottle of Guyuan Wan cost 1000 taels. He thought he heard it wrong at the time. Good fellow, for the sake of face, that guy gritted his teeth and bought it. He spent all his bank notes to get together 1000 taels.

Qi Rongyue said: "These medicines are refined from high-quality medicinal materials. They are more effective than ordinary medicines, and they are expensive, which makes sense. Besides, I don't want everyone to buy this medicine, unless it is There is a need, otherwise I would not ask them to buy medicines, of course, some people are clamoring for them, and we have no reason not to sell them.”

Seeing that what she said was logical and reasonable, he smiled slightly: "Master Qi, I have to invite you for today's meal. I haven't paid my monthly salary yet, so I'm tight."

Xue'er happened to approach, and when she heard this, she immediately cut her throat and said, "My lord, don't be joking, with your status, is it possible that you still live on the monthly salary of the government office? Who will believe it?" ?”

Zheng Zhongwen said with a smile: "Whether you believe it or not, this is really true. Although I have another identity, I want to use my own ability to live instead of relying on anyone."

Xue'er smiled, and stuffed a purse containing broken silver and a few pieces of gold leaves into the young lady's hand, turned and ran away without further words.

Qi Rongyue stuffed her purse into her sleeve pocket and walked out first.

Zheng Zhongwen hurried to catch up: "Where are you going?"

"Didn't I hear someone say I was hungry just now? Why, aren't you hungry again?" She stamped her feet and looked back at him with a faint smile on her face, a very faint smile, but in his eyes, It is very comfortable, but it is different from smiling at others, absolutely different.

He smiled, his lips were red and his teeth were white, the sun was shining brightly, and only her was reflected in his dark eyes.

"Rongyue, you won't reject me again, will you?" He asked, his heart beating faster.

She tilted her head, her faint smile gradually deepened, her delicate nose was slightly wrinkled, and she smiled mischievously: "Look at your performance!" She has thought a lot these days, Zhongwen's temper is very stubborn and domineering, at least towards her, For this feeling, her refusal seems to have failed to achieve any results, and in the eyes of King Jin and Chu Tianxin, she is already tied to Zhongwen and even the Yongping Hou Mansion. It may be too late to get rid of this bondage.

Since you can't get rid of this bondage, then face it calmly, perhaps, giving Zhongwen a chance is also giving yourself a chance.

Besides, with the Marquis of Yongping behind her, it will be more secure and smoother for her to go to the capital in the future.

However, since then, she needs to be more careful, because she is no longer alone, and her success or failure determines the fate of the entire Yongping Hou Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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