Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Zheng Zhongwen was so happy that he almost roared three times. He suddenly rushed forward, hugged Qi Rongyue's waist, and spun her around ten times before stopping. Qi Rongyue was dizzy and could only Leaning in his arms not daring to move.

And this scene happened to be watched by Wang Yunyan, she hated it so much that she almost smashed the handkerchief in her hand.

The little green beside Wang Yunyan was also very angry: "I really didn't expect that Zheng Shizi is such a person, and he still pretends to be a gentleman in front of me, saying that men and women are not intimate, and it is not appropriate to meet in private, etc. What is going on now? Here On the street, under the watchful eyes of everyone, unexpectedly—”

"Stop talking!" Wang Yunyan frowned, interrupted Xiaolu's words with anger, turned around and ran away.

Although Xiaolu really wanted to rush up and scold Zheng Zhongwen severely, but she was worried about Miss, so she had to chase her away.

And Zheng Zhongwen was still immersed in the overwhelming ecstasy, he didn't see Wang Yunyan and Xiaolu who just ran away at all, even if he did, but at this moment, he probably wouldn't be able to recognize who it was!In his eyes, apart from Rongyue, he couldn't let anyone else go.

Looking at the little bird-like girl in his arms, a thin layer of pink appeared on that white face, which was extraordinarily beautiful in the sun, which made him so excited that he couldn't hold back his heart. Two kisses on the little cheeks.

If this place was not on the long street in broad daylight, he would definitely have done so.

"Go, let's eat!" Zheng Zhongwen ignored her push, still tightly wrapped around her waist, unwilling to let go.

Qi Rongyue's face became more and more red: "How can you leave me like this?"

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of joy: "I'll carry you!"

Qi Rongyue bit her lip, raised her foot and stomped on him hard, he quickly let go of the pain, and jumped several steps away on one leg.

"You girl, you look thin, but your strength is not small!"

She smiled, her beautiful eyebrows were curved, and there were tiny stars shining in her eyes, and the little dimples on her cheeks were alluring: "Don't think I'm easy to bully, I've practiced it before."

The folks in Rongyu Hall hid by the door and peeked, seeing this pair of wall people finally came together, they were all happy for them, especially Xue'er, sobbing and crying with joy.

Seeing Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue walking away, the assistant Sanqing asked: "Miss Xue'er, miss and Master Zheng are well, we should be happy, why are you crying?"

Xue'er choked up and said: "What do you know, Miss, this journey is too uncomfortable, I, I—" There are some words that she still can't say.

Zheng Zhongwen likes Miss, he likes Miss sincerely, for Miss, he can even disregard his own life, he is the son of the Marquis Mansion, his life is precious, but he doesn't care, he only cares about Miss alone, such a man is the best in the world. All women's dream.

Miss has always been very different to him, she has always seen him, and also feels that if Miss can have such a good match as Zheng Shizi, her life must be perfect.

But she couldn't ignore an important issue, Miss's identity!

Zheng Shizi is the only son of the Marquis of Yongping. The woman he wants to marry must be a noble girl who can match his status. With his status, he is even qualified to marry the princess.

And definitely not a helpless abandoned girl like Miss.

The young lady has now agreed to Zheng Shizi's wish and formally established a relationship with him, but in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of the elders in the Yongping Hou Mansion, this relationship is a private life, and will not be recognized and blessed after all. .

(End of this chapter)

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