Chapter 316 Who is Tianyu
Chapter 317

"Just what?" Min Hengzhi stared at the girl in front of him, with a gentle smile on his face. This kind of him is very different from the domineering impulse last time.

This kind of Min Hengzhi seemed to be the Min Hengzhi she knew back then, but he was not the real Min Hengzhi.

"It's just that the lord is insomnia at night and mentally weak during the day. It doesn't seem to be a serious problem now, but in the long run, it will be harmful to the body."

Min Hengzhi raised his eyebrows: "How do you know I can't sleep at night?"

The corners of Qi Rongyue's lips hooked slightly, and a sneer appeared: "I'm a doctor, I can tell it at a glance."

Min Hengzhi looked at her face, and the doubts in his heart became more and more intense. He asked, "Why is it called Rongyu Hall?"

Rong, the character is taken from her name, what about Yu?
Qi Rongyue knew that he would ask, he would ask sooner or later, after he became suspicious of her, she knew it.

"I took it casually, why? Is this word a taboo of the prince?" She looked back at him coldly. Could it be that after her death, even her name cannot be preserved in the world?
Min Hengzhi withdrew his hand resting on the table, stared into Qi Rongyue's eyes, and said word by word: "I don't believe it, there are one and two coincidences, maybe there can be three, but definitely not four."

Qi Rongyue remained silent, waiting for his next words.

He said again: "You and I met in front of Wanwu for the first time. The way you looked at me didn't look like the eyes of strangers. You were very dissatisfied with me, even a little bit resentful, right?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head and said lightly: "No, the lord thinks too much, I have never met the lord, why should I hate the lord?"

Min Hengzhi said: "Because you know Tian Yu!"

Her heart twitched, and she forced herself to maintain her composure: "Who is Tian Yu? I don't know him!"

"You must know me. You know plum blossom needles. You have been to Laiwu Mountain. You know me. You resent me because you believe that Tianyu's death is related to me, right?"

Min Heng pressed every word, and Qi Rongyue's flustered heart gradually calmed down. All of this was just his guess, he had no evidence, it was impossible for him to have evidence, and now she has completely lost her mind. Yu's shadow.

"It seems that the prince's insomnia symptoms should be treated properly, otherwise, there may be some kind of hysteria." She said lightly.

Min Hengzhi frowned, just now, just now, there was a trace of panic in her eyes, but now it's gone, is it his dazzled?
No, he won't be dazzled, it must be her faking it.

"If you don't say it, it's fine. There will always be a way for you to speak out voluntarily. The truth will soon surface." He is Min Hengzhi, in this city of Jin, the favorite of the two dynasties. It's not just about good looks, it's as simple as being able to read and write.

He has his own way of doing things, and these are all unknown to Chu Tianyu before, and they are also his other side.

"Wait and see!" Qi Rongyue smiled lightly, the clouds were calm and the wind was light!She really wanted to see how many faces Min Hengzhi had.

Min Hengzhi smiled, did not continue this topic, changed the topic, and said: "I received a letter from the Marquis of Wenchang in Kyoto today, saying that the old Marquis of the Marquis of Wenchang's mansion is seriously ill. They are all at a loss, and I heard that Jincheng has come to a genius doctor, so I want to invite you to the capital to treat the old Hou Ye."

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows, this was beyond her expectation, and within her expectations, she knew that sooner or later someone would invite her to the capital for medical treatment, but she never thought that the first one to invite her would be Wen Chang It seems that Yin Yixuan played a big role in the Hou Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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