Chapter 317 Leaving Jin
Chapter 318

And this opportunity is exactly what she needs.

However, when she leaves Jincheng, she will be separated from Zhongwen, and what will happen to her when she goes to the capital is uncertain. If Marquis Yongping knew that she had gone to the capital, he would probably not ignore her.

She didn't believe that the Yongping Hou Mansion didn't know about her and Zhongwen.

"Are you going?" King Jin suddenly asked when he saw her dazed.

She regained her senses, looked at Min Hengzhi, and nodded: "I'll go!"

King Jin was not surprised by her answer. If she really hated him, she would also hate King Lian. Since she hated King Lian, she would definitely miss Tian Yu's younger brother, who was the only relative she left in this world.

So, to go to Kyoto, she will definitely agree.

"Okay, pack up now, and leave immediately." King Jin's crisp and clear voice fell in Rong Yu Hall, Xue'er was dumbfounded, and all the staff were also dumbfounded.

This Rongyu Hall has just started to improve, is it going to close?
They thought that the young lady would not agree to such a hasty itinerary, but who knew, the young lady nodded without thinking, "Okay!"

Min Hengzhi nodded lightly, and said again: "Two hours later, we will meet at the gate of the city. You can use your own carriage, or you can bring your own guards. Don't be late, I won't wait for you too long."

After finishing speaking, he left Rongyu Hall without looking back.

Xue'er hurriedly approached the lady, and said: "Miss, if you go to the capital, you will go to the capital, but why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

Qi Rongyue said softly: "Saving people is like putting out a fire, there should be no delay. Old Lord Yin of the Marquis of Wenchang's Mansion is in danger, and he is waiting for me to save lives. If we delay a little longer, maybe we won't see anyone alive."

Only then Xue'er fell silent, she wasn't afraid of haste, it's just that she was going out of the city, and she might not have time to say goodbye to Zheng Shizi, Zheng Zhongwen's infatuated appearance made her worry even thinking about it.

Knowing her worry, Qi Rongyue immediately wrote a letter and asked the clerk in the store to send it to the government office, telling him what happened, and letting him wait for her in Jincheng with peace of mind.

Of course she will come back. Going to the capital this time is not the best time for her to gain a foothold. Next time, when she enters the capital next time, she will not need to leave again, and she will be one step closer to her goal.

When the clerk delivered the letter to the government office, Zheng Zhongwen was engrossed in the piles of official affairs, and his heart was very annoyed. Although Xinyang Mansion is large, the main affairs are all in Jincheng, and these tedious official documents are all day long. And official documents, doing the same thing.

You know, his dream is to go into battle in armor and kill the enemy with a knife!

Luo Ping sent the letter to Zheng Zhongwen's case, and said with a smile: "My lord, look at your frown, it's all twisted into twists, take a look at this, I hope you will be happy."

Zheng Zhongwen glanced at the white envelope in his hand, and said softly, "What?"

Luo Ping chuckled: "A letter from a beautiful woman, and a swan goose to express love!"

It was only then that Zheng Zhongwen noticed the small characters on the envelope, which were neatly signed by Zhong Wen himself, neat and elegant, very ordinary characters, but very comfortable to look at, they were Rong Yue's characters.

He snatched it away and quickly waved: "Get out!"

Luo Ping chuckled and said: "Yes, yes, I will go out right now, so as not to prevent my lord from teasing love with Qi Rongyue Hongyan."

Zheng Zhongwen looked at the letter with a happy smile, but that smile gradually faded away with the lines of handwriting, and his complexion quickly became gloomy and ugly.

After reading it, he stuffed the letter into his bosom indiscriminately, and said to Luo Ping who was outside: "Prepare the horse!"

He rushed to Rongyu Hall in a hurry, but there was no trace of Yiren, and he rushed to the gate of Jincheng, but there was no sign of anyone. After asking the guards of the city, he learned that they had left half an hour ago Yes, go all the way north.

(End of this chapter)

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