Chapter 318 Royal Demeanor

Chapter 319

He had a vague feeling that this time, it would not be as simple as treating a disease, as if something bad would happen, he didn't know, should he ask for leave and return to Beijing in advance?But thinking of what she had said to him, she said, unless it is absolutely necessary.Hope he doesn't interfere with whatever she's doing, anything.

Any of these things naturally include her going to Beijing to treat the old Marquis of Wenchang. She has made it very clear in the letter, telling him not to go to the capital, let him stay in Jincheng with peace of mind, and let him wait here for her , she will come back safely.



King Jin did not part ways with Qi Rongyue as soon as he left Jincheng, but instead rode slowly and followed her carriage.

Because they came out late, when the sky got dark, they still couldn't reach the town where they could settle down.

They can only camp in the wild. The King of Jin has experience in marching and is no stranger to this kind of camping in the wild. Soon he directed a group of accompanying guards to set up two tents, one for Qi Rongyue and Xueer to rest, and one for Qi Rongyue and Xueer. For his own use.

Others sit around the campfire and watch the night.

The guards brought by Qi Rongyue stood outside the tent and called out: "Miss, King Jin ordered the younger one to come and invite you to dinner."

Qi Rongyue frowned, she would rather go hungry than watch him eat, for fear of throwing up.

Just when she was about to refuse, she heard Xueer's stomach rumbling again, and then she sighed and said, "Okay, come right away!"

Xue'er clutched her belly in embarrassment, and said with a dry smile: "Miss, I'm not hungry, really, we don't eat his food, tomorrow'er enters the city, we can just buy some dry food ourselves." She also blamed herself, The young lady asked her to pack her things, so she just focused on packing her clothes, not to mention dry food, and she didn't even bring a pot of water.

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "It's okay, let's go together, I happen to be hungry too." She pulled Xue'er out of the tent, and sat down beside the bonfire where King Jin was sitting alone. He didn't mean to curry favor, he just pretended that King Jin didn't exist, and saw that the pheasant roasting on the fire was already cooked, but he took out a handkerchief from his bosom, tore off one of the pheasant's legs, and turned around and handed it to him. To Xue'er standing behind her: "You eat!"

Xue Er hurriedly waved her hands, it's fine that King Jin hasn't eaten yet, and the young lady hasn't eaten either, so how could she eat first.

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "Silly girl, if I tell you to eat it, you can eat it!"

Xue'er smelled the savory smell of the pheasant, and her stomach growled even more happily. She knew that Miss Xin also felt sorry for her, so she didn't refuse any more, otherwise she would seem coy, and simply accepted it, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Miss. !"

Qi Rongyue pursed her lips and smiled lightly. Xue'er is cute when she is cute, and hateful when she is hateful. Of course, when facing her, she is naturally cute, and she is very satisfied.

Qi Rongyue wrapped another chicken leg with a veil and tore it off, turned her back, pointed the back of her head at King Jin, and began to eat the delicious chicken leg.

Min Hengzhi couldn't help laughing, this girl is really enough, it's fine if she doesn't look at him from the beginning to the end, and she still points the back of her head at him when she eats something, is she expressing her dissatisfaction with him?

When she finished eating, he saw that she was wiping the oil stains on the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, his pupils shrank sharply, and her movement of wiping the oil stains on the corners of her mouth was exactly the same as Tian Yu's. He and Tian Yu met for the first time At that time, it was at a palace banquet. She was 11 years old that year.

(End of this chapter)

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