Chapter 319

Chapter 320

Just like Qi Rongyue now!

Although she was sitting by the bonfire in the wild, her back was always straight. Even when she was eating greasy and rough food, her neck was always raised slightly, and her gestures when holding things were usually seen Nothing, but sometimes, she will inadvertently show some royal gestures.

Some people deliberately pretended to be like Chu Tianxin, she put on airs desperately, and put on the princess's demeanor, but people saw it, but they thought it was ridiculous, even Dong Shi imitated it.

But for some people, that noble demeanor seems to be born in the bones, and it can always be seen without deliberately showing it.

Qi Rongyue belongs to the latter!
His heart trembled slightly, and he reached out his hand suddenly, grabbed Qi Rongyue's arm, pulled her back to him, and forced her to face his eyes.

"You still don't admit it?" Min Hengzhi said in a deep voice.

Qi Rongyue frowned, trying to get rid of his restraint, but always trying hard, he was very strong, his martial arts were more than ten times better than hers, so how could she be his opponent.

"Let go!" She angrily reprimanded!

How could Min Hengzhi agree? He was eager to know the truth, and he was afraid that if he let go, she would hide away and refused to face him again.

"If you don't tell me, I won't let you go."

Qi Rongyue took a deep breath, tried her best to suppress her anger, her beautiful eyes focused on the man in front of her, and said word by word: "I don't know what else King Jin wants to know?"

"I don't care if you have been to Laiwu Mountain or not, but I can be sure that you must know Tianyu and have a close relationship, right?" he said.

She sneered: "I don't know what you are talking about. Lai Wushan has never heard of it. If you are so sure, why don't you confirm it with Lai Wushan yourself? You just need to ask about this kind of thing? And you said I've never heard of that Tian Yu, so please don't talk nonsense in front of me."

Send a letter to confirm?Oh, how could he not have thought about it, but since Tianyu's accident, Lai Wushan closed his door to thank guests, the master went out for a long time and has not returned, no one knows his whereabouts, how can he confirm it?Who to confirm?

"If you don't know Tian Yu, why do you hate me? And why do your words and deeds always resemble Tian Yu? And—"

"King Jin——" Qi Rongyue interrupted him, her face was cold, and she said word by word: "At first I didn't think who Tian Yu was, but now I suddenly think that the Tian Yu that King Jin was talking about turned out to be the eldest princess." Your Highness, that is, your former fiancée."

She watched Min Hengzhi's face gradually pale, her eyes were full of pain, and she sneered in her heart, pain?do you really hurtIsn't this exactly what you hoped for?

"Prince Jin, there are different opinions about the cause of the eldest princess' death. I don't want to be involved in it. I think you know better what consequences your speculation will bring to me. King Lianming of Jin must not be willing to see such an innocent person like me." People are involved in unbearable disputes by Mo Ming, right?"

Min Hengzhi remained silent, she was right, if King Lian knew his conjecture, with his viciousness, he would rather kill by mistake than let her go, she would definitely die.

But the doubt in his heart still didn't dissipate in the slightest. If she refused to tell, then he would stop asking. After entering the capital, he would have a way to know her details.

Min Hengzhi let go of his hand, and the pain and pallor on his face dissipated in one breath, and he returned to his usual indifference and coldness: "I'm sorry, I was overthinking just now, and I won't mention it again in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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