Chapter 323 Diabetes

Chapter 324

Qi Rongyue said: "Did the old Hou do what the doctor said? Drink more water, exercise more, did you do it?"

Mrs. Ma shook her head: "No, old Hou Ye doesn't like to drink weak white water, saying it's tasteless, and he likes to drink sweet tea. I cook him a big pot every day. I also like to eat pearl cakes with white honey, which are sweet and soft. It suits his appetite best, he eats it every day, but he always says he is tired and doesn’t want to move around.”

Qi Rongyue sighed, and said: "That's the bad part. When I first fell ill, the doctor's diagnosis was not wrong, but at that time the disease was not serious, so the doctor didn't say it clearly, but if the old Hou Ye can do what the doctor ordered, maybe It wouldn’t be where it is today.”

Mrs. Ma didn't quite understand, she looked at her blankly.

Yin Houye and Yin Erye didn't understand too much: "Miss Qi, what kind of disease is this, let me tell you clearly!"

Qi Rongyue said: "This is diabetes. When the symptoms first appear, if you can adjust your diet in a timely manner, control the amount of sweets in your stomach, keep your body active, and take medicine on time, you won't get sick so quickly. .”

Mrs. Ma was stunned. She suffers from diabetes and wants to control the amount of sweets she eats?My God, before the old Hou Ye fell down, he poured a big pot of sweet tea into his stomach every day.

Seeing that Mrs. Ma's eyes were filled with tears immediately, with a face full of self-blame, and seeing Yin Houye and Yin Erye fixed their displeased eyes on Mrs. Ma's face, Qi Rongyue finally couldn't bear it, and said : "Old Hou Ye suffers from diabetes. The biggest feature of this disease is sweetness. He rejects bland things and is prone to fatigue. Both Old Hou Ye and Mrs. Ma don't know the danger of this disease. Now they have You can't blame her for such consequences."

Doctor Liao at the side was shocked when he heard what she said. These days he has been running to the Marquis Wenchang Mansion, watching the old Marquis get thinner day by day, and the various symptoms on his body are consistent with diabetes. But he just didn't think about that, now that Qi Rongyue pointed it out, he just woke up like a dream.

But he didn't want to admit his dereliction of duty, so he said to Qi Rongyue: "You said so much, it's all your speculation, you said that the disease of the old Hou Ye is diabetes, so do you have a countermeasure? "

Qi Rongyue looked sideways at Dr. Liao, his clothes proved that he was from the imperial hospital, and the way he spoke expressed his fear and doubts about her medical skills.

She smiled lightly: "Of course, of course I have a countermeasure!"

Qi Rongyue has always smiled lightly and spoke softly, but she is like this, every word she utters can be believed and firmly believed.

She walked to the table where Dr. Liao wrote the prescription, took out a pen and paper, wrote down her prescription word by word, and handed it to Doctor Liao after writing, saying: "This is my prescription. With my acupuncture technique, I guarantee that Old Hou Ye will be able to regain his sanity in three days."

Yin Houye and Yin Erye looked at each other with great joy, both of them were deeply shocked. They had already started to prepare for the funeral, but now they heard that they could still be rescued. How can the joy of regaining what was lost cannot be described in a few words .

After seeing Qi Rongyue's prescription, Imperial Physician Liao's expression gradually changed from doubt to surprise, and then he was shocked. It turns out that the prescription can still be prescribed like this! ! !

As soon as he thought of diabetes, he immediately had a prescription in his mind. He thought that Qi Rongyue would definitely prescribe the same prescription as the one in the ancient medical book, but who knew that the prescription she prescribed was not the same as the one in the ancient medical book. They are not the same, except that the main medicinal materials in the ingredients are the same, most of them are different.

(End of this chapter)

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