Chapter 324
Chapter 325

Yin Houye and Yin Erye have also been observing Liao Yuyi's expression. Seeing his shocked expression, they kept looking at the prescription repeatedly, but they never questioned it. They knew that they won the bet, and their hearts were even more serious. ecstasy.

If Doctor Liao saw Qi Rongyue for the first time, he looked at her with scornful scrutiny and questioning, but now he looks at Qi Rongyue with curiosity and surprise. envious.

I envied her for having such attainments in medical skills at such a young age, and she completely believed in the admiration that Imperial Doctor Jiang had given her before.

The servant took the prescription to decoct the medicine, while Qi Rongyue took the needle pack from Xueer and began to give the old Hou Ye the needle. The biggest harm of diabetes to the body is that it can make people's spirit become addicted to food. And she became more and more depressed. When she just took the pulse of the old master, she found that his pulse was very fast. This is the phenomenon of the internal organs starting to fail. Fortunately, the time is not long, otherwise, even if she invites the master, it may not be possible. Can save his life.

Her acupuncture technique is very strange, which Liao Yuyi has never seen before in his many years of practice. Even if he deliberately learns a trick and a half, he still cannot learn it.

Even with this basic recognition of acupoints, she couldn't do it as easily as she did. The needles were fast, accurate and ruthless. It can be said that he had never seen anyone with the best acupuncture skills.

Acupuncture seven to seven 49 needles, all over the main points of the body, to relieve the pressure in the body veins, so that the heartbeat gradually slowed down.

After the acupuncture was done, she ordered someone to drink water for the old man. Even though he was unconscious, he was poured down as much as he could, and she ordered them to pour a bowl of water every other hour.

At this time, Qi Rongyue's words were in their eyes, that was the imperial decree, saying that one is one, never disobeying, strictly follow what Qi Rongyue said, and sure enough on the second day, after taking two doses of medicine, the old lady His mind became much clearer, and he could see people clearly when he opened his eyes, and he was able to speak a few words, which made Yin Houye and Yin Erye so happy that they wanted to rush outside the gate of Hou's mansion to light cannon sticks.

They have already made plans to suspend Ding You, and they are also preparing to elect suitable people to take over their important positions in the court. Now that the old man is alive again, all these crises have disappeared like smoke, can they be unhappy?

The day was sunny, Qi Rongyue and Xueer went for a walk in the garden after watching the old lady, the garden of Yin's family is well-kept, elegant and delicate, most of the flowers planted are rare species on the market, very rare , Xueer likes everything she sees, wishing she could pick a handful of every kind of flower and take it home.

When they were tired from walking, they rested in a gazebo in the garden.

Qi Rongyue stood in the pavilion, looking up at the east side of the pavilion, standing here, she could only vaguely see the far away places, there were a few sporadic eaves corners, which were the unique eaves of the imperial palace with falling bells and falling snow. You can't see it anywhere else.

She finally returned to this place and saw the world that once belonged to her again. Soon, soon she will return to her world, waiting for me, Brother Qi, waiting for me.

"What are you looking at?"

At some point, the tall figure stood behind her, and the emerald jade crown made his face even more handsome like a jade carving.

She frowned slightly, turned sideways to avoid him, walked to the other end, lowered her eyes and said: "I didn't see anything, I just took a casual look, I'll go first if there's nothing else to do!" Xue'er, leave the garden quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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