Chapter 325

Chapter 326

Yin Yixuan wanted to stop her, but the servants in the garden all looked at him curiously, so it was not good for him to do anything to provoke criticism, it was not good for him, and it was even worse for her.

After returning to the room, Xue'er muttered: "Mr. Yin is really true, Miss has told him how many times, why is he not giving up, don't know, maybe there will be some ugly rumors .”

Qi Rongyue's expression was light: "I'm not afraid of the slanting shadow. I don't care what other people say or think. I only know that Zhongwen won't believe such nonsense."

Xue'er raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "That's true!" Zheng Shizi is the best, most infatuated and responsible man she has ever met, and she sincerely hopes that Miss and Zheng Shizi will have a good result.

Xue'er looked out the window, the sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, what a beautiful spring day, wouldn't it be a waste to be stuck in this courtyard like this.

"Miss, let's go out for a stroll, everyone says that Kyoto is extremely prosperous, let's go see it too!!"

Qi Rongyue hesitated a little, not because she didn't want to go, but because she didn't dare to go.

She took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, let's go out for a stroll."

Now that I'm here, I'm going to take a look to see what kind of changes have taken place in the capital under Chu Lian's rule.See if the majestic Chu Palace has begun to decline.

After talking to the steward of the Hou Mansion, the two of them took their guards and left Wenchang Hou Mansion to go to Changyuan Street, the busiest place in the capital city.

She only came to Changyuan Street once. On her 12th birthday, it was Min Hengzhi who accompanied her to stroll around Changyuan Street all day, and bought many gadgets that were not available in the palace. She was very happy, very happy, It was also from that day on that I sincerely accepted Min Hengzhi and was willing to entrust the rest of my life to him.

Ha - it's ridiculous to think about it!
Changyuan Street is still the former Changyuan Street. It is lively and crowded, and it gathers characteristic merchants from all over the country. Here, you can buy the most authentic food and the most local clothing and accessories in each region without traveling far.

Xueer was very excited, and bought a lot of what she had in a short while, and the four guards who followed behind her were filled with the things she bought, most of which were gadgets that her daughter liked. The guards were all thin-skinned youths, all of them looked reluctant, but there was nothing they could do about her.

"Okay, Xue'er, it won't fit any more in our carriage!" Qi Rongyue finally stopped her, and said, "It's getting late, I'll take you to eat delicious food."

As soon as Xue'er heard that there was something delicious, she immediately forgot the unhappiness of not being able to continue shopping, and hurriedly followed behind the lady, through the crowded Changyuan Street, to the alley across from Changyuan Street. Hunan Street, Hunan Street is lined with luxury restaurants, and there are three or five or more carriages parked outside each restaurant. This is a good place for rich people to gather. She and Min Hengzhi have been here before. On Hunan Street, There is a Xianhe Tower, which is the tallest restaurant in Hunan Street. It is five stories high and looks like a small tower.

Standing on the top floor of the restaurant, you can clearly see a corner of Chu Palace.

Min Hengzhi said that when he misses her, he will come here to see the Chu Palace, imagining that she is looking at him from afar somewhere in the Chu Palace.

"The Immortal Crane Tower? The name is really elegant!" Xue'er stood outside the door and said with a smile.

Qi Rongyue didn't make a sound, just walked in.

The waiter waiting at the door saw a guest coming, so he hurried up to greet her. With just one glance, he saw that the leading girl had an extraordinary bearing. Even though she was dressed simply and without fancy decorations, she had such a bearing that even a noble lady from the Hou family would not be surprised. Not necessarily.

(End of this chapter)

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