Chapter 332
Chapter 333

Qi Rongyue can understand, and is willing to understand, after all, for a noble family like the Yin family, the most important thing to get married is to be in the right family.

The same goes for the Zheng family!
She doesn't know if she and Zhongwen can make it to the end, but she is willing to believe in Zhongwen and herself. Since she has chosen, she will definitely try her best to fight for it.

Lord Yin felt his face was hot, and he could see all the thoughts in his heart in front of Qi Rongyue. It would be fine if it was someone else, maybe he could be more righteous, but Qi Rongyue was different, she was the savior of the second brother's family Now the only daughter who saved her father's life, it can even be said that she indirectly saved the prosperity of the Marquis Wenchang Mansion, and she is also the benefactor of the Marquis Wenchang Mansion.

"Miss Qi, I don't mean anything else, just—just—" Just what?Heh - he couldn't even say it himself.

Qi Rongyue didn't care, and just said in a low voice: "Master Hou, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first!"

She took Xue'er back to her room, packed her luggage, brought her guards, and quietly left Wenchanghou's mansion, and moved into Yao'an Street, which is the closest to the palace, and sent a letter to King Jin's mansion in Kyoto, telling He didn't have to go to the Marquis of Wenchang's mansion to pick up people, but met directly outside the palace gate.

She knew exactly what Min Hengzhi was thinking. He just wanted to grab her and make her admit his relationship with Chu Tianyu.

But what she didn't understand was that Min Hengzhi could have more and better ways to prove this point, but he chose to let her enter the palace to meet the emperor. This is a very dangerous move for him, and it is impossible for him not to know , But what is his purpose in doing this?

She shook her head, unwilling to think about it, no matter what his purpose was, no matter what fire pit he dug for her in the palace, she would go for it.

On the next day, her petite figure appeared outside the palace gate on time, and after a while, a gorgeous carriage also appeared at the palace gate. When the carriage stopped, the guards inspected it routinely.

Min Hengzhi stepped out of the carriage, and said to Qi Rongyue who was standing in front of the carriage: "You can only enter by yourself, you girl can't enter."

When Xueer heard this, she immediately grabbed the lady's sleeve nervously. She always felt that King Jin was uneasy and kind to the lady, and made things difficult for the lady. Today, she let the lady enter the palace alone, and she didn't know what he was doing idea.

Qi Rongyue is well aware of the rules of the Forbidden Palace, she is just a doctor who comes to see a doctor, it is a rule not to let anyone take her with her, it is not a deliberate embarrassment.

Even if a person with the identity of a princess or princess enters the palace, there is a limit to the number of maids she can bring, let alone a grass-roots person like her.

She patted the back of Xue'er's hand: "I'm fine, you go back to the inn and wait for me."

The driver who was driving the carriage put a footstool under the carriage, and invited Qi Rongyue to get on the carriage.

She pulled Xue'er's hand that was tightly gripping her clothes, took the medicine box in her hand, stepped on the stool generously, and went straight into the car.

The carriage is not only luxurious on the outside, but also very comfortable and exquisite on the inside. Min Hengzhi sat on the cushion covered with brocade and embroidered green bamboo, looking at her with a pair of dark eyes that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

She sat down, sitting opposite him, and conveniently placed the medicine box by her feet.

"Miss Qi is really a punctual person!" Min Hengzhi said calmly.

Qi Rongyue sneered: "Prince Jin is also a punctual person!"

The carriage slowly drove into the gate of the palace, the light in the carriage was dim, coupled with the constant shaking, his eyes began to become blurred, the girl in front of him seemed to overlap with another face, the face hidden deep in him In my heart, I have never forgotten the face for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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