Chapter 333 Looks Like Her
Chapter 334

"You look like her!" he said suddenly.

Qi Rongyue's heart skipped a beat, and her eyes immediately became vigilant: "Who do you resemble?"

Her vigilant eyes brought him back to reality, the girl in front of him was Qi Rongyue, just Qi Rongyue.

Tian Yu never looked at him suspiciously or vigilantly, never.

"It's nothing, I'll get to the place in a while, don't walk around and look around, just follow me." He looked away, stopped looking at her, and said softly.

"Hmm!" She responded softly, opened the car curtain sideways, and looked at the scenery outside. The Chu Palace, which she had never seen carefully before, fell into her eyes again today. It turned out that the Chu Palace was so majestic and majestic. , It's so big, it took a long time to drive a carriage around to get to Chongdemen.

The carriage stops in front of the Chongde Gate, and if you go further, you can only walk. The carriages of civil and military officials who come to court every day will also stop here. The rest of the road can only be walked on two legs. Of course , There are exceptions, such as Regent Chu Lian, he is an exception, the only exception, only his carriage can go directly outside the Golden Palace.

This is his great honor, an honor he gave himself. Although there are court officials who are dissatisfied, they can only dare to be angry and dare not speak out. In the current Chu Dynasty, the lifeblood is in the hands of Chu Lian alone. Who would dare to refuse to accept it? ?

The more you walk in, the more familiar the scenery becomes, and the closer you get to the place where she lived before.

She followed Min Hengzhi, walking carefully and carefully step by step, her eyes never letting go of any scene that she could see on the way.

She had to remember these and imprint them in her heart. These belonged to her and her brother, not Chu Lian.

"Ahead is the Palace of Imperial Harmony, and the emperor lives in it. He will enter after a while, and he will perform palace rituals!" Min Hengzhi's voice came suddenly, causing her wandering mind to tremble suddenly, and she hurriedly said: "Okay!"

Seemingly aware that her mood was not right, he looked back at her with deep eyes, but he didn't say anything, and just continued walking towards the Palace of Imperial Harmony.

Several guards and maids guarded outside the Palace of Imperial Harmony, and when they saw Min Hengzhi coming, they saluted one after another: "See His Royal Highness King Jin!"

The king of Jin waved his hand: "Excuse me, this is the doctor I invited to treat the emperor. Is the emperor in here now?"

A court lady frowned and said: "Back to King Jin, the emperor started to lose his temper this morning, he didn't even eat breakfast, and has been arguing inside."

trouble?Qi Rongyue frowned, her younger brother urinated like an emperor, and never lost his temper.

There was the sound of something being thrown inside, and the court lady of the Jin Dynasty asked again: "Is the emperor often like this recently?"

The maid nodded: "It's like this every day, and I'm in a bad mood. The imperial doctor has also come to see him, and he didn't find any illnesses, so I just let him rest more."

King Jin didn't ask any more questions, and led Qi Rongyue straight into the Palace of Imperial Harmony. After passing through the heavy curtains, she finally saw the boy who was only ten years old but already taller than her.

He has become thinner, his once round cheeks have become sharper, and although he is tall, he is very thin, which shows that his life in this palace is not easy.

She continued to take deep breaths, and then deep breaths, severely suppressing the myriad of emotions in her heart, and pretending to be indifferent.

Following Min Heng's body, he performed the holy ceremony.

Chu Tianqi stopped the action of throwing things, and looked sideways at the two kneeling on the ground. The man kneeling one step before was exactly the man he believed in before, and regarded him as the closest person besides his parents and sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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