Chapter 336
Chapter 337

Chu Tianqi's tears fell more and more fiercely, he nodded, kept nodding, listened to her, didn't say anything, didn't ask anything.

Whether she is real or fake, he is now, at this moment, willing to believe her.

While the two maids were cleaning the broken porcelain in the palace room, the two masters of spying also loosened their sight, instead of staring at them as sharply and closely as before, she secretly found a chance to take two packets of medicine powder Throwing it into Chu Tianqi's hand, he said with his lips: "The white powder is a drug for confusion, and the red powder is a poison. You don't need to take it when you see blood to seal your throat. You only need to touch a broken wound and it will be fatal. You secretly Hide it well, if necessary, it may save your life."

Chu Tianqi nodded, and secretly stuffed the two medicine bags under the pillow, and hid them away when he found another opportunity.

When Min Hengzhi came back, the complexions of Chu Tianqi and Qi Rongyue had returned to normal, Chu Tianqi was still indifferent, and Qi Rongyue stood aside respectfully.

During Min Hengzhi's departure, he turned back to take a peek on the way, but he didn't notice anything unusual. Seeing that the two people in the palace room had been silent, he knew that Qi Rongyue was on guard against him in his heart, and he might not show his feet today, so he also No more looking, turned around and came back.

When he approached Chu Tianqi, he found that there seemed to be tears on his face, and even his eyes were slightly red and swollen, as if he had just cried.

"Has the emperor cried yet?" Min Hengzhi looked at Chu Tianqi, but his eyes were on Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue raised her eyes and glanced at her younger brother, and hurriedly said: "When I pulled out the broken porcelain from the sole of the emperor's feet just now, I may have used too much force, and the emperor was in pain, so I shed tears, but this is not crying. , It’s just a normal reaction of ordinary people to fear pain.”

"Really?" Min Hengzhi turned his gaze to Chu Tianqi, but Chu Tianqi ignored him at all, fell onto the bed, and muttered, "I'm tired, you all retreat!"

Min Hengzhi shrugged, turned to look at Qi Rongyue and said, "Let's go, the emperor is going to rest!"

Qi Rongyue nodded, and took a last look at her younger brother's thin back, endured the pain like a knife in her heart, and stepped back to leave the Palace of Imperial Harmony.

Sitting in the carriage leaving the palace, only the two of them were left in the carriage, Min Hengzhi looked at the thoughtful face in front of him, and suddenly said: "What did you say to the emperor?"

Qi Rongyue came back to her senses, glanced at him vigilantly, and said softly: "Don't you know what I said to the emperor?"

Min Hengzhi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It seems that the king's every move can't escape your eyes!" He smiled, his eyes gradually became cold again: "Tell me, what did you and the emperor say? Why did he do that?" cry?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't say anything to the emperor, he doesn't seem to like me very much, because I was brought by you!"

Min Hengzhi believed these words to [-]%. Ever since Tianyu's accident, he never had a good face every time he met Tianqi. Perhaps he believed that he was the enemy who killed his sister.

Tian Qi hated him, so naturally he wouldn't treat the people he brought with him well.

Min Hengzhi didn't ask any more questions, but felt that the girl in front of him was becoming more and more unfathomable. He knew that she must have some kind of inseparable relationship with Tian Yu, and she didn't admit it because she didn't trust him.

One day, he will prove his heart. Although he and Chu Lian have done some things that are not good for Chu Huang for revenge, he never thought of harming Tianyu, never.

The two of them stopped talking, and the carriage, full of their thoughts, drove away from the majestic Chu Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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