Chapter 337
Chapter 338

Wenchang Houfu
"Mother, what did you say to Rongyue? Why did she leave Wenchanghou's mansion after you had a secret conversation?" Yin Yixuan was a little annoyed. He managed to get Rongyue from Jincheng to Kyoto, and let her live in Wenchanghou's residence. Government, for what?The purpose is to be able to get the moon first.

But now?He only has a building and no moon, no moon!
The Second Madam Yin looked helpless, and sighed: "Yixuan, I really didn't say anything. She left Wenchang Hou Mansion for something else, not because of you!"

"I don't believe it, she lives well, how can she just leave? She doesn't even say hello, she is not such an impolite person."

Second Master Yin came in from the outside, and said with a sullen face: "Who said she didn't say hello? She said hello to your uncle, but she didn't tell you, because she thinks that there is no need to say goodbye between you. She doesn't regard you as a friend at all, let alone others."

Yin Erye's words hurt Yin Yixuan's heart severely. This was the last thing he wanted to admit, but now it was said by his father, how hurtful.

Seeing her son's face getting more and more ugly, Mrs. Yin hurriedly tried to smooth things over and said: "I think Rongyue has something important to do and she didn't have time. Didn't she go to see King Jin before she left the Hou's mansion?"

Second Lord Yin snorted, "King Jin asked her to come to the palace today to see the emperor and see a doctor. She didn't have to leave the Hou's mansion, but she left a day earlier. She only said hello to the elder brother and left directly. This shows that What? It means that she doesn't pay attention to our family Yixuan at all. "

He turned to Yin Yixuan again and said: "Yixuan, as the saying goes, there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world, why do you have to love her only one flower? In this capital city, there are many noble girls with better conditions than her waiting to be with you." Are you afraid that you won’t find the right one when you get married?”

Yin Yixuan shook his head, his eyes were filled with desolation, he turned and walked out of his parents' bedroom without saying anything.

Looking at the lonely back of their son, the husband and wife both let out a long sigh. The root of love is already deep, and it is not easy to break it off!



Prince Lian's Mansion

"Then what did Doctor Qi say?" Lian Wang's elite eyes stared at Min Hengzhi who was calm.

Min Hengzhi said: "Dr. Qi said that the emperor has not had a good night's sleep for a long time due to frequent nightmares at night, which has caused his body to become increasingly weak and mentally weak. If this continues, the emperor's body will be dragged down. I'm afraid something bad will happen."

When Chu Lian heard this, he immediately smiled, with a look of complacency.

"Understood, you go down!" He waved his hand, the corners of his mouth could not help but upturned, fearing that something might be wrong?Isn't this exactly what he wants?Without any effort, he can completely disappear, and then take over this prosperous country in a legitimate way, without tabooing the notoriety of killing brothers and seizing the throne.

After leaving Chu Palace, Qi Rongyue didn't hurry back to Jincheng, but went to Yongping Hou Mansion.

"Master Hou, there is a lady surnamed Qi outside the gate who called the door, saying that she wants to see you, Master Hou, and has something important to discuss."

Lord Zheng Hou was replying to the deputy commander of the Longxi Army, upon hearing this, he quickly raised his head to look at the steward: "Is she alone?"

The housekeeper said: "I brought a girl and four guards, but she didn't let the guards follow and stayed beside the carriage."

Zheng Houye pondered for a while, then said: "Please wait for me in the front hall, I will come right away!"

It has been a while since I received a letter from my son, and my son asked him to take care of Qi Rongyue, hoping that he would lend a helping hand to her future daughter-in-law when she needed it.

(End of this chapter)

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