Chapter 338
Chapter 339

However, he didn't do anything, and he didn't even send anyone to inquire about her movements, because he knew that if a girl who needed help every step of the way, how could someone with Zhongwen's temperament like him?
He also knew that if she sincerely wanted to be with Zhongwen, she would definitely come to the door in person. She had the guts and tolerance, it just depended on whether she was willing to do it or not.

She came and showed her attitude.

It also made him feel more difficult!
But whether it is difficult or easy to handle, this problem must be faced head-on after all.

After Zheng Houye wrote the letter and handed it to the messenger, he went directly to the front hall.

In the hall, Qi Rongyue sat upright in the chair, saw him coming, got up politely, smiled and nodded at him: "Marquis Zheng!"

A strange feeling arose in Zheng Houye's heart. He felt that it was not his future daughter-in-law who greeted him, but a courteous greeting from a high-ranking person to his ministers.

The most incredible thing is that he didn't think there was anything wrong!
Zheng Houye also smiled back and nodded, and walked directly past her sideways, walked to the main seat and sat down: "Miss Qi, please sit down." Ever since meeting him in Pengcheng, he still respects Qi Rongyue, after all, he saved Zhong Wen , although it is said that the balance between kindness and righteousness has been settled, but in my heart I still value her quite a lot.

Qi Rongyue sat down generously, with a slight smile on her face, waiting for Lord Zheng Hou to ask questions.

Lord Zhenghou is quite straightforward, but Zhongwen is more like him in this respect.

"Miss Qi, Zheng Zhongwen wrote to me about your coming to the capital, and also mentioned your current relationship with him. Do you have anything to tell me?" His attitude is also hidden in his heart and not shown on his face.

Qi Rongyue is also indifferent, but her heart is not calm enough. This is an emotion she rarely has. She has always lived very calmly, no matter before or after rebirth.

But now, facing Lord Zheng Hou, she felt guilty.

She accidentally abducted the heart of his only son, and without their knowledge, led them into a dangerous road with an uncertain future.

Qi Rongyue said: "Master Zheng, I have two things to do when I come today. First, I want to tell you and your wife that I take the relationship I just established with Zhongwen very seriously, and I will be very careful. Take care and maintain, and never give up easily, otherwise, I will be too sorry for Zhongwen's suffering for me."

How could Lord Zheng Hou not know how Zhongwen suffered for her? He remained silent, his expression unchanged, and waited for her to say the second thing.

Qi Rongyue continued: "Second thing, I heard Zhongwen say that he had an uncle who had a stroke three years ago, and now he is paralyzed in bed, is there such a thing?"

Lord Zheng Hou nodded: "It is true, why? You can cure it?" He also heard that Qi Rongyue cured a woman in Jincheng who had a stroke, but that woman was admitted by her right after she had a stroke. Yes, how can this be compared with someone who has had a stroke for three years and has been bedridden for three years?

Qi Rongyue said: "Whether it can be cured or not, I'll have to see the patient. I want to do my best."

Zheng Houye's eyes overflowed with admiration, she is better than he imagined, no wonder Zhongwen likes her.

Not only did she have a good appearance, but she was also very smart. She spoke in a calm and orderly manner without a word of nonsense. No matter what she said, her posture was neither humble nor overbearing.

(End of this chapter)

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