Chapter 339 Zheng Santang

Chapter 340

Lord Zheng Hou nodded: "Okay, let's go and have a look!" There is still a difference between Lord Zheng Hou and the second master of the Yin family. Lord Zheng Hou has a far-sighted vision. love, especially his son is not the kind of person who will be easily emotional. At this time, if he tried his best to stop him, it would be a bad thing.

Besides, the girls are not too bad. It is of course best to have such things as status and status. If not, their Zheng family does not lack.

Therefore, after discussing with his wife, he decided to observe Qi Rongyue. If his character and temperament were suitable, they would not impose obstacles. After all, their son could walk out of the shadow of the eldest princess in such a short period of time and find a new one. It's not easy for a girl you like.

Lord Zheng Hou took Qi Rongyue away from Lord Hou and went to Guhe Street in the south of the city, where his cousin's family lived.

Mr. Zheng Laohou is the only son in his family, and his cousin is a branch of the previous two generations of Zheng's family. Because they are both established in Kyoto, they have frequent contacts on weekdays. In addition, the number of people in Yongpinghou's mansion is really small, so they are closer to him. , The name is also called pro.

Before the stroke, Zheng Santang was a second-rank official in the court. Although he had no power, he was respected by others because of his kindness and knowledge. His family was very prosperous in the past, but he was bedridden by illness for a few years. The family was also getting colder and colder, except for the Zheng family who came to visit from time to time, those former colleagues in the court had long forgotten that this person existed.

Lord Zheng Hou appeared outside the gate, and the uncle who watched the door was obviously overjoyed, he bent over and invited Lord Zheng in, and said with a smile: "This morning, I heard Madam say that there are magpies calling, so there is a nobleman coming .”

Zheng Houye looked pale, nodded kindly to the janitor uncle, and then asked: "Are your wife and master at home?"

The gatekeeper hurriedly said: "Yes, although the sun is good, Madam has not gone out for several days in order to take care of the master, and has been staying with the master in the garden."

Lord Zheng Hou nodded: "Okay, you go and pass it on first, and say that I brought a doctor to see your master."

The eyes of the gatekeeper fell on Qi Rongyue naturally, the people accompanying Lord Zhenghou, except her, were two guards, there was no one else.

The gatekeeper just glanced at it, and hurriedly responded. Master Zheng Hou was familiar with the way, so he directly led Qi Rongyue to the backyard, stopped in front of the garden arch leading to the backyard, and did not go any further.

Qi Rongyue's understanding of Lord Zheng Hou was that when she was a princess, she only met a few times, and she was still in front of her father, so she was not familiar with his behavior. When treating Zheng Zhongwen, he didn't think too much about him. Today, he is such an upright and dignified gentleman. No wonder he can teach such an excellent son as Zhongwen.

In a high position, he doesn't have airs and the aura of putting others out, treats people kindly without losing majesty, behaves well, and is able to relax and relax. Such a person is a great responsibility.

No wonder Father Huang handed over the commander-in-chief of Longxi's 20 troops back then!
If Marquis Zheng is willing to help her defeat Chu Lian, her chances of winning will be much higher.

After a while, the uncle who sent the message came out from the inner courtyard. He was stunned when he saw Master Zheng leading people waiting at the gate of the courtyard. He He--"

(End of this chapter)

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