Chapter 340 Low-key
Chapter 341

Lord Zheng Hou nodded and waved his hand at him: "You don't have to say, I understand, you go down first, I won't be too late to go in later."

The uncle janitor quickly responded, stepped back respectfully, and looked at Lord Zheng Hou with a deep respect hidden in his eyes.

After the gatekeeper walked away, Qi Rongyue said in a low voice: "Master Hou is so generous, Rongyue admires it!"

Zheng Houye glanced at her sideways, and said softly: "I'm just doing what I should do, what's there to admire?"

Rong Yue nodded, and said with a faint smile: "I finally understand why other nobles of the Hou family usually start to decline after at most three generations, while the Yongping Hou Mansion, although the population has not been prosperous, its status in Beijing is getting worse and worse. It becomes more and more entrenched, and one generation thrives after another.”

Lord Zheng raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Qi Rongyue to talk to him about this, but he couldn't help but answer: "Oh? What did you understand?"

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly, and looked at the blue and clear sky above her head: "The prosperity and prosperity of a family depends on whether people's hearts are open-minded, whether they can tolerate it or not."

She looked at Lord Zheng Hou, her faint smile gradually deepened, and she understood: "Master Hou, you are the only person in this dynasty who is worthy of the position of Marquis!"

Lord Zheng Hou didn't feel happy because of her words, his thick black brows were even frowned, he looked around and saw no one around, so he lowered his voice: "Don't say such words again all over."

Qi Rongyue nodded: "I understand that you always try to be low-key and unassuming in everything you do. This is your principle and the biggest reason why you are still a favorite after two dynasties."

Zheng Houye watched her eyes change, hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "What is the purpose of you telling me this?"

The smile on Qi Rongyue's face was reduced by three points, and her voice was still light: "You will know later, but there is one thing I want to explain in advance, one yard is one yard, the matter between me and Zhongwen is pure and does not mix other things. , don’t get me wrong!”

Lord Zheng Hou didn't say much. After all, this is not the Marquis of Yongping. If he talked too much, he was afraid that the walls would have ears. If he spread the words that shouldn't be passed on, it would be bad for everyone.

"Go in, they should have already cleaned up." When he first came, because the servants did not inform him in advance, he went to the inner courtyard and saw his cousin wiping his body soiled by urination. The atmosphere, not to mention how embarrassing.

Later, every time he came to visit his cousin, he would stop here and wait for the people inside to pack up before going in, so as not to embarrass the other party.

Entering the inner courtyard, various flowers are planted in the exquisite garden, which are in full bloom in this spring day, but Zheng Santang and his wife are not in this garden.

A girl came up to meet them and led them to the inner courtyard to go to the room.

The door of the upper room was open, and a girl was walking out with a basin of water. She saw Zheng Houye and others approaching from a distance. Went in the other direction.

Seeing this, Lord Zheng deliberately slowed down his pace until Zheng Santang's wife walked out of the room, then he quickly stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "How is sister-in-law?"

Mrs. Zheng San's face was haggard, she forced a smile, and said: "Is there anything good, that's it." Even so, she looked into the eyes of Lord Zheng, still full of gratitude.

And only him, and only him, would visit them from time to time, and still remember them in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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