Chapter 352 Long-winded
Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows: "So, you came to Beijing with the influence of Wan Wu Tang?"

Zheng Zhongwen laughed, and gave her a thumbs up: "Smart!" Originally, Mr. Wan just asked him where Qi Rongyue settled in the capital, so that he could send someone to deliver the letter. He missed Jia so much, so naturally he couldn't let this go. Opportunity.

"No wonder you were able to find my place as soon as you entered Beijing, without using the power of the Marquis Mansion. It turns out that Wan Wu Tang is behind the scenes!"

Zheng Zhongwen sighed: "I didn't expect that Wanwutang's power in the capital city is so great." In the past, he believed that the power in the capital city was divided into those groups, and they were all controlled by those in power. In the hands of those who were involved, they did not expect that a mere folk force would have such a huge network of relationships.

But Qi Rongyue said: "That's because you underestimated Wan Wutang. Wan Wutang is not only as simple as it looks on the surface, but behind Wanwutang hides a mysterious power that you and I can't even imagine. One of the reasons for the rapid development of Wanwutang in recent years."

Wanwutang is engaged in the intermediary business of house sales, and its business spreads all over the country. Even in small counties in the deserted areas of border towns, there are Wanwutang.

And according to Wan Wu Tang's work efficiency, if he wants to collect any information, Wan Wu Tang will definitely be one step ahead of the court.

This is also one of the reasons why Qi Rongyue spared no effort to treat Mr. Wan, and actively made friends with Mr. Wan. She hoped that one day in the future, Wanwutang could become a force she could rely on.

Zheng Zhongwen didn't answer her words, just scratched her nose lightly, and said in a low voice: "Girls, don't just think about big things about your family, country and world all day long. We men will do these things, you Just think about it carefully, when you get married, what kind of wedding dress to wear, what kind of phoenix crown and Xiapei to wear, don't think about anything else."

Knowing his intentions, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, okay, I'm not very old, but I'm talking like an old man, if I don't leave, even Xiaoer will knock on the door!"

He finally left helplessly, and left Kyoto together with Wanwutang's convoy, and went back to Jincheng, running day and night for several days, just for the brief tenderness of that night, seeing her well, he was satisfied, and nothing else important.

This day was the last injection for Zheng Sandang, she handed the revised prescription to Mrs. Zheng San, and said with a smile: "Master Zheng's illness has improved a lot, and I will use this prescription to take medicine in the future and take it continuously." Don’t stop for three months, and practice according to what I teach at the same time. If it hurts, just bear it, bear it and it will pass. If you don’t take the first step because of the pain, your leg will never be able to walk !"

Mrs. Zheng San's eyes were wet, and she held Qi Rongyue's hand, choked up and couldn't speak: "Miss Qi, I, I really don't know how to thank you, you not only cured his illness, you This saved his life, and it saved mine too, how many times I wanted to die with him, I couldn't bear to see him suffer in this world, and I couldn't bear to live without him, now he I am really grateful to be able to return to what I am now, very grateful, thank you!"

Mrs. Zheng San said, and took out another banknote from her bosom, with a denomination of 1000 taels. To Qi Rongyue, this was not a huge sum of money, but to Mrs. Zheng San, it was their one-year Expenses, seeking medical treatment for several years, her family is no longer as prosperous as it was before, and it is her limit to be able to spend 1000 taels of consultation fee. This is also the consultation fee she collected after asking people who returned to Beijing from Jincheng.

 I recommend the old article that the shepherd boy has finished, "Abandoned Girl Reborn: The Miracle Doctor and Princess Concubine", friends who are in the book shortage can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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