Chapter 353 Cold Face
Who in Jincheng doesn't know that the patients admitted to Rongyu Hall receive a thousand taels of money for serious illnesses, which is a lot of money, so someone nicknamed her Doctor Qianjin, which is quite appropriate.

Qi Rongyue pushed back the thousand taels of silver bill, and said: "Madam, you are welcome, I am a friend of Zhongwen, and I was entrusted by my friend to see a doctor for Mr. Zheng, how can I accept the consultation fee?"

Mrs. Zheng San was slightly stunned, and hurriedly looked at Zheng Houye who was standing beside him. Zheng Houye nodded to her, which was a tacit consent.

It was only then that Mrs. Zheng San understood why Master Zheng Hou had been watching Miss Qi from the sidelines. It turned out that she was the son's friend.

In this world, if there is any pure boyfriend and girlfriend, it must be the beautiful relationship between the son and this Miss Qi.

Now that Qi Rongyue said so, she couldn't refuse anymore, instead she showed her tenderness and said with a smile: "It turns out that he is the son's friend, so I won't force it!"

After talking for a while, Qi Rongyue got up to say goodbye, and left the house with Lord Zheng Hou.

"Master Hou, I will set off to return to Jincheng today, please take care of your health." Qi Rongyue bid farewell to Lord Zheng Hou outside the gate of Zheng's residence.

Lord Zheng Hou nodded, looking at her eyes, he was no longer as indifferent as before: "Call me Uncle Zheng from now on, be careful on the road!"

Qi Rongyue was a little happy in her heart, what Master Zheng said meant that she no longer objected to her association with Zhongwen?

"Uncle Zheng, take care!" She saluted him and turned to get into the car.

Master Zheng Hou said behind her: "Take good care of Zhong Wen for me, and tell him not to do such a stupid thing as going back to Beijing without being summoned again!"

Qi Rongyue's face was reddish, she knew that this matter must not be hidden from Uncle Zheng.

She didn't look back, she just hummed lightly, and quickly stepped on the footstool to get into the carriage. Under the gaze of Master Zheng, the carriage slowly drove out of his sight.

The more Master Zheng Hou got in touch with Qi Rongyue, the more he could understand why his son fell in love with her so much. She is a very good girl, smart, tough, high-minded, calm and introverted. Very special, very special, and only such a girl is worthy of his son.

"Marquis Zheng? What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here!" Qi Yongchun got out of the carriage, stood on the frame and gave a salute to Marquis Zheng, and then quickly approached Marquis Zheng Before, with a flattering smile.

Zheng Houye had no impression of the face of the middle-aged man in front of him, raised his eyebrows and said, "You are?"

Qi Yongchun hurriedly introduced himself: "The next official is Qi Yongchun, the former magistrate of Xuzhou. He moved to Beijing after Ren Manchu, and he is currently the inspector of the Inspectorate Youqian Yushi." He was originally a fourth-rank foreign official, but now he is promoted to a fourth-rank Beijing official. With glory and glory, when he introduced his official position in front of Lord Zheng Hou, he had a face full of pride and pride, and he blinked his eyes waiting for Lord Zheng Hou to greet him with a smile.

However, Lord Zheng Hou just said softly, then turned around and left!
After saying oh, he turned around and left!

The smile on Qi Yongchun's face froze, and he looked at Zheng Houye who turned and left in disbelief. This was the first time he had encountered a cold face since he came to Beijing. It was so cold, it was so cold to the bone.

"Master Hou, why are you so indifferent to Lord Qi?" Jiang Hu, the personal entourage who followed Lord Zheng Hou, couldn't help asking.

Lord Zheng Hou snorted softly: "I don't bother to talk to this kind of person, no, he is not even a human being!" Is a person who can even blast his own daughter out for his own benefit, is he still a human being?

(End of this chapter)

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