Chapter 355
Chapter 356

How could the old lady believe her, and said with a cold snort: "Take good care of this girl, the capital is not Pengcheng, and Yongchun is gaining a foothold in the capital again, if something bad comes out, who will be disadvantaged, you should be clear in your heart .”

Mrs. Liang has always known that the old lady is not an easy person to get along with, but she never imagined that she can change her face as quickly as turning the pages of a book. When her Liang family was still useful to the Qi family, when did she give her such a favor? look?
Now that her son has flourished and is no longer needed by the Liang family, he abandoned her like a trash and never looked at her again. In this family, she, the mistress, is just like a decoration, and her status is not as good as those two newcomers. The aunt who brought in the door.

Whom to blame?Do you blame Qi Rongyue?Or blame yourself?Or should he blame the indifferent mother and son in front of him?

Heh - she doesn't know, maybe, as Qi Rongyue said, this is her retribution!

Seeing her tears rolling down, Qi Yongchun felt very annoyed and threw the chopsticks on the table with a 'slap': "I've been crying all day, you've lost all your good luck, bad luck—"

Qi Yongchun shook his sleeves and left, taking away the last ray of hope in Liang's heart. Seeing that his son had left, the old lady also put the teacup in her hand heavily on the table, and hummed: "Seeing this mournful face makes me feel sad." No appetite, go, go back to the room to eat!"

Liang was the only one left in the huge dining room at the end, she was so angry that she overturned the table, howled in the living room for a while, and then returned to her residence in a daze.


Outside the city gate of Kyoto.

As soon as Qi Rongyue's carriage appeared outside the city gate, it was immediately stopped by someone, Xue'er got out and saw that the person who stopped the carriage was actually Yin Yixuan on a tall horse: "Young Master Yin, what are you doing? "Xue'er was shocked and angry, Yin Yixuan stopped the car in public like this, maybe some bad words would be spread by good people.

Yin Yixuan said to Xue'er: "Your lady, please come out, I have something to say!" His voice was loud and clear, seeing this, the passing people stopped their way one after another, and gathered to watch the fun, some rushed The carriage entering the city was blocked behind, so they got out of the carriage to check the situation, and someone recognized Yin Yixuan, so they didn't ask him to make way, and they all stood aside to watch the excitement.

Seeing more and more people gathered, Xueer frowned and said: "My lady is not feeling well, she has already fallen asleep, we are still in a hurry, so I ask Mr. Yin to make it easier for me!"

Yin Yixuan said: "I know she didn't sleep, you let her come out, I have something to ask her personally."

Xue'er said urgently: "My young lady is really asleep, Mr. Yin is stopping us from leaving, I'm afraid it's not right, please don't embarrass your slaves!"

The people who watched the excitement all around were curious about what kind of girl was sitting in the carriage, so that the Xinke Zhuangyuan Lang with his eyes above his head did such a thing of blocking the carriage in public.

Yin Yixuan ignored Xue'er, and said loudly towards the closed carriage: "Rong Yue, I know you are inside, I know you can hear me, come out, I have something to tell you!"

Qi Rongyue didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but the discussion outside became louder and louder, and some people even booed after her. If she doesn't show up again, she might not even think about leaving today.

The car door was pushed open, and Qi Rongyue stooped out. She was still wearing the plain long dress she usually wears, her black hair was lightly pulled up, and her head was unadorned. She had such a plain appearance, but she was still breathtakingly beautiful, bright and charming Her face is elegant and refined, even if she frowns, she is beautiful and picturesque.

(End of this chapter)

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