Chapter 356 I don't like it

Chapter 357

"Young master Yin, how do you make the people of the capital think of me? Do you think there is any ulterior relationship between you and me?" Qi Rongyue looked at Yin Yixuan coldly, and the words that came out of her mouth were like pearls and jade on the plate. , pierced into everyone's ears crisply and resoundingly.

Yin Yixuan said: "Why didn't you tell me when you left the Hou Mansion?"

Qi Rongyue said: "I said, we don't need to bid farewell to each other." She paused, and then said: "Young Master Yin, you have always been known as a modest gentleman by everyone, and I hope you don't ruin your reputation." .”

Yin Yixuan shook his head: "I don't care about these, I just ask you, are you willing to—"

She immediately interrupted him: "I don't want to, no matter what it is, I don't want to. You and I used to be strange acquaintances, now we are familiar strangers, and in the future we will be strangers who don't know each other. I think what I have already said It's very clear, please let Mr. Yin get out of the way, don't miss my hour."

With her cold and noble appearance, coupled with her relentless words, everyone present could not understand, it is clear that Yin Yixuan is pursuing the young lady, but the young lady disagrees, yet he insists on pestering her, which is annoying.

Yin Yixuan blushed and asked angrily, "Is it because of Zhongwen? You treated me like this because of him, right?"

Qi Rongyue's brows deepened, and she said very displeasedly: "These are two different things, please don't confuse them, Mr. Yin, not every thing in this world has a reason and evidence to follow. , It’s so unreasonable, if you like it, you like it, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, it’s not because of anyone, it’s just that you don’t like it, that’s all!”

She didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, so she turned around and got into the carriage.

Seeing that Yin Yixuan's expression began to fade away, Xue'er said to the guard beside him, "What are you still doing in a daze? Open the way!"

The four guards quickly rode forward, dispersed the surrounding people, and cleared a path for the carriage.

Yin Yixuan was stunned for a while, and when he came back to his senses, the carriage had already gone away, his hand holding the rein was trembling, and his chest heaved more and more rapidly, he swore secretly to the carriage that was drifting away, No matter what method he uses, he must get her back, absolutely.


Since he received a letter from Kyoto three days ago, knowing that she had left Kyoto and returned to Jincheng, he has come to this city gate every day to wait for several hours, and did not go back until sunset. Every time he saw a carriage appearing in the distance , he became excited, and when the carriage approached, he found that it wasn't Rongyue, and he began to mutter in disappointment and non-stop.

Sangui saw that it was getting late, and the sun was going to set in a while, so he talked about the eldest son who squatted on the grass and ate grass roots for a long time because of boredom, and said: "Young master, let's go back, it's not early yet, I guess they were delayed on the road today!"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "Wait a little longer, maybe it will come in a while, let me figure it out, I can arrive by today at the latest!"

Sangui had no choice but to squat next to Shizi, and followed him to bite grass roots and count ants.

Just when the red sun was about to end, Zheng Zhongwen stood up suddenly, kicked Sangui who was beside him, and said, "Look, is there a carriage coming over there?"

Sangui got up, rubbed his eyes, and looked in the direction Shizi pointed, the sky was already dark, at the end of the official road, there seemed to be a carriage and several horses galloping.

(End of this chapter)

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