Chapter 357 Did you miss me?
Chapter 358

Zheng Zhongwen felt that then Rongyue, it was her, it must be her.

He stood up from the grass, walked to the middle of the official road, looked at the carriage approaching from far away, the closer it was, the clearer it was, the more certain it was her.

As if she had a feeling in her heart, Qi Rongyue, who had her eyes closed, suddenly opened them, got up and opened the curtain, poked half of her head out, looked around, and saw a familiar figure standing in the middle of the road from a distance, with clear and bright eyes. Youshen's eyes were fixed on her side, and there was a warm current in her heart, as if a child who had been away for a long time came back to his hometown and saw a relative standing outside the door to welcome her, very warm, very moving, strong and slender Standing upright, thinking of his generous and warm embrace, she couldn't help but blushed, and the waves in her heart, which was as quiet as a pool, gradually rose. She hurriedly shouted to the driver: "Stop quickly, don't hit the person in front!"

The coachman reined in hastily, and the carriage stopped just in front of Zheng Zhongwen.

Xue'er got out first, stood in front of the frame, and said with a smile: "My lord, how do you know we will arrive in Jincheng?"

Sangui hurriedly answered: "We are not gods, how would we know when you will arrive? The prince has been waiting for you here for three whole days. He will stay here whenever he is free. If the city gate is not closed at night, he will be here." Will really be camping here."

Zheng Zhongwen smiled faintly, without saying a word, his clear eyes only stared at the door of the carriage, seeing that Qi Rongyue hadn't come out, he couldn't wait any longer, so he just jumped into the carriage and threw Xueer away He got down and said: "Xue'er, you go back on Sangui's horse, I'm tired, I'll rest in the carriage."

Xue'er refused: "You just sit down, what are you doing when you come down? It's not that the carriage can't fit three people!" Sangui hurriedly took out a piece of pastry from his arms, stuffed it directly into Xue'er's mouth, and said in a low voice: " Say a few words less, my son just wants to talk to Ms. Qi alone, it's inconvenient for you to be around."

Xueer was forcibly dragged onto her horse by Sangui, and Zheng Zhongwen also turned around and got into the carriage.

He sat beside her generously and naturally, and the faint scent of medicine entered his nostrils, a familiar smell, a comfortable smell.

"Why don't you come out?" he asked.

She smiled: "If I go out, won't you come in?"

He also smiles, his lips are red and his teeth are white, and his wheat-colored skin shines with a healthy color. He looks good when he smiles, sunny and frank.

In the few years she followed the master, she met many people, and met many young people of his age, but none of them was as calm and upright as him. Although he was a prince, he was not a dude.

"It seems that we have more and more tacit understanding!" He stretched out his hand, put her in his arms, and said with a low smile, "Do you know what I'm going to do next?" She raised her eyes and saw that she was red in his eyes. The reflection of her lips, her fair cheeks flew up to the red cloud, and she was about to turn her head to avoid it, but his hand was already on the back of her head, and he bent down to kiss the red lips that made him think about it day and night.

His kiss was very soft, but very eager, as if he was afraid of hurting her, but he couldn't hold back his already moved feelings.

He didn't stop asking for kisses until he felt her red lips slightly swollen, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and the sound of panting fell in her ears, which was particularly touching.

"Did you miss me when I was not by your side?" He kissed her earlobe and asked in a low voice.

She hummed lightly!
But he was not satisfied: "Is there any?"

(End of this chapter)

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