Chapter 368 Vegetarian
Chapter 369

I haven't eaten yet, I want to eat with you, but I can't eat without you in front of me. Zheng Zhongwen chuckled.

She smiled lowly, glanced at the empty hall, and said, "There are no patients here today, let's go out to eat!"

He said: "Even if you only treat one patient a day in Rongyu Hall, it can still cover your expenses for a month." It's better if there are fewer patients, so she won't be tired.

She gave him a white look: "From what you mean, you wish that our Rongyu Hall would have no business?"

He smiled and waved his hands: "No, no, I don't mean that. You earn a lot of money, and I can benefit from it too. After a while, your dowry will be very rich."

When it came to getting married, her eyes dimmed, and she never had the heart to say that she had no intention of getting married, her younger brother was still detained in the palace, and her enemies were still jumping up and down in the court, how could she get married at this time .

She opened her mouth, and saw that his eyes were full of sunshine, she couldn't bear to spoil his interest, so she said nothing, just said: "Let's go, I'm hungry, I'll go to Wanwutang with me after dinner, Go and see Mr. Wan."

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "Hasn't he already taken the golden dragon fruit? Is he still sick?"

Qi Rongyue said: "Golden Dragon Fruit is not an elixir, and Mr. Wan's illness is not an ordinary cold ailment, how can it be cured when the medicine is ready? His illness needs to be taken care of for more than half a year."

While the two were talking, they had already walked out of Rongyu Hall and went to the vegetarian restaurant near Wanwu Hall.

"Seeing that you are skinny, you should eat more meat. Why do you always like to eat vegetarian food?" He rarely saw Rong Yue eating meat. When eating in Rong Yu Tang, four of the five dishes were vegetarian. Even if there is meat on the table, she won't move her chopsticks.

He remembered that when he ate with her in Pengcheng for the first time, she only tasted a piece of the delicious sauced beef, and didn't move her chopsticks afterwards.

She smiled: "Vegetarian food is very good. It is good for the body and does not gain weight. Girls always love beauty. Do you still like it when I become a big fat person?"

Zheng Zhongwen laughed: "Even if you become a big fat man, I would like it too."

She picked up a chopstick of green vegetables and put them in her bowl, trying hard to dissipate the sadness that had just surged up.

The bones of the empress father and mother are not yet cold. She wears plain clothes and eats vegetarian food to keep her filial piety.

"You!" He shook his head, smiled, picked up a chopstick of vegetables and put them into his mouth. He has always loved meat, and if it wasn't for Rongyue in front of him, he probably wouldn't be able to eat a bite.

"By the way, I can't have lunch with you tomorrow." He said.

She raised her eyes, the sadness in her eyes had dissipated, she had to practice these well, and she couldn't show the emotions in her heart to others, Min Hengzhi's suspicion of her was that she couldn't control her emotions well, when she faced Chu Lian in the future, , Such emotions will harm her and the entire Yongping Hou Mansion.

"What's up tomorrow?" she asked.

"Master Wang held a banquet in the mansion tomorrow, saying that he wanted to reward those who contributed to the last murder case, and I was one of them."

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows: "I'm considered a meritorious person, why don't you invite me?"

Zheng Zhongwen suddenly said: "Yes, you are the biggest hero, why don't you invite you? No, I have to ask him."

Qi Rongyue smiled and said: "Forget it, maybe Lord Wang doesn't think of me at all, and he doesn't really want to reward the heroes, but just wants to curry favor with your son." In fact, she thought of another possible.

(End of this chapter)

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