Chapter 369
Chapter 370

Miss Wang has affection for Zhongwen, she has always known about it, and now that Miss Wang has reached the age of marriage, how could the prefect Wang be indifferent, Zhongwen is the son of Yongping Hou, if this matter is placed in the capital, it must be a success No way, she is a daughter of the magistrate, with the son of the Marquis of Yongping who holds the military power, there is still some distance, but this is Jincheng, not the capital. The status of the prefect's abandoned daughter is very different, and the Yongping Houfu will naturally agree to this marriage.

Of course, everything is possible, but the premise is that they must win Zhongwen's heart first.

She thought so in her heart, but she didn't say it out loud, she believed in Zhongwen, if he couldn't handle such a scene, he was not worthy to be her Qi Rongyue's man, she believed that he would be able to do a good job.

After dinner, the two came to Wanwutang. After dinner, Mr. Wan was walking in the yard, accompanied by shopkeeper Fan, listening to some business reports.

"Miss Qi is here, please come inside!" Shopkeeper Fan hurried up to greet her.

Qi Rongyue waved her hand and said with a smile: "No need, I'll drop by to take a look, and I'll be leaving in a while." She smiled politely at Shopkeeper Fan, then turned to look at Mr. Wan, and said, "Mr. Had a good sleep last night."

Mr. Wan nodded with a gentle smile: "Yes, I haven't had such a good sleep for a long time. I had no dreams all night and closed my eyes until dawn. Sure enough, when I woke up, I felt much refreshed. I felt that the lost power was gone again. Coming back in every thread, this golden dragon fruit is really amazing!"

Qi Rongyue said: "Your physique is very special. You can completely absorb the medicinal power of the golden dragon fruit. It's really beyond my expectation, but you can't be careless. You still have to keep it. The medicine can't be stopped. You have to take at least three times in a row. One month, half a year of training, don't be too tired."

Mr. Wan smiled and nodded: "I understand, I must follow the doctor's advice!"

Both of them laughed. At this time, Mr. Wan's eyes fell on Zheng Zhongwen. Seeing his extraordinary demeanor, his eyes showed admiration: "I think this must be Zheng Shizi!"

Zheng Zhongwen clapped his hands: "It's my servant. I've heard about Mr. Wan's name for a long time, and today I meet him. He really deserves his reputation." Seeing Mr. Wan, he suddenly understood Rongyue's intentions. Mr. Wan is not an ordinary businessman, just because of this indifference His magnanimity, even standing among the princes and generals, would never be inferior. In addition, Wan Wutang's status and influence in the Chu Dynasty, intersecting with it, will naturally increase.

Mr. Wan immediately returned a salute and said with a smile: "I have always been curious about someone who is worthy of Miss Qi. When I saw him today, it was just like the rumors. It was a match made in heaven."

Mr. Wan has seen countless people in his life. He can tell who is worth dating and who is not. Zheng Zhongwen is obviously the former.

Although born in the Hou family, he does not have the arrogance and dandyism of the Hou family's children. He is full of heroes and hidden wisdom. Such a young man has a bright future.

In the past, he thought that the King of Jin was already a leader among young talents, and few people could stand shoulder to shoulder with him. Today, when he met Zheng Shizi, he felt that he was more upright than the King of Jin.

The three of them chatted for a while, they didn't talk much, but they were all from the bottom of their hearts, without those polite and false words, it was really hearty.

"Okay, it's time for us to go, don't disturb Mr. Wan's rest!" Qi Rongyue laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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