Chapter 370 The Admirer

Chapter 371

Zheng Zhongwen still has more ideas, Mr. Wan's words are humorous, unique, and very wise. He appreciates him very much.

Mr. Wan said with a smile: "Brother Zhongwen and I are so late to meet each other. I wish I could talk at night by candlelight. However, I am not feeling well now. When I feel better after a while, I will be the host. The three of us have a good get-together."

Zheng Zhongwen laughed and said, "How disrespectful!"

After leaving Wanwutang, Zheng Zhongwen asked Qi Rongyue, "Why did you lead me to see Mr. Wan?"

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "It's nothing, I just think that Mr. Wan is a friend who can make friends with me. He is my friend. Naturally, he will become your friend. We will see each other sooner or later."

He looked sideways at the pale pink cheeks under the bright sun, and the slender eyelashes were like two small fans, wrapping the two bright black pearls in them, she was really beautiful, especially There is a restrained wisdom in these eyes, which are beautiful.

"So, you take me as your own family?" He smiled brightly, stepped forward, stopped in front of her, and stared into her eyes.

She raised her eyebrows and said half-jokingly: "No, I only regard you as an admirer!"

Zheng Zhongwen was not annoyed, he smiled and said: "That must be the most special admirer!"

The two returned to Rongyu Hall talking and laughing. When he saw that it was almost time, he went back to the government office to work as an official.

Looking at his back that was drifting away, she felt a bitterness in her heart. If there was no hatred, no resentment, and no burden of restoration, she would marry him tomorrow and live the ordinary life she had always longed for.

It's a pity that she has not avenged her great revenge, and the power of the country has fallen. As the eldest princess and the child of her father, queen and queen, she can't just care about herself. She has to pick up those burdens.

The next day - Wangfu.

Zheng Zhongwen arrived at the palace on time, Mr. Wang personally greeted him to the front hall. After the two exchanged pleasantries, Zheng Zhongwen saw that no other colleagues came, so he asked: "Mr. Wang should have invited someone else, why haven't you come yet?"

Darren Wang said: "No, no, today's banquet is specially set up for you, no one else is invited, just treat it as a family gathering, don't be too polite."

The smile on Zheng Zhongwen's face faded by two points, and he felt a little displeased, but he didn't say anything in the end. No matter how you talk about it, Mr. Wang in front of him has a higher official rank than himself now. I am afraid that his plan to return to Beijing will be affected.

After all, if he wants to ask for leave to return to Beijing to make a marriage appointment, Lord Wang has to nod his approval.

The two chatted for a while, and Lord Wang invited him to sit in the garden, saying that the banquet would be placed in the pavilion in the garden, and it would be more pleasant accompanied by the cool breeze, the fragrance of flowers and the singing of birds.

Zheng Zhongwen naturally had no objection, after all, it was Mr. Wang's banquet, how he wanted to arrange it was his business, and he had no control over it.

The back garden of the Prince's Mansion is well maintained, with small bridges and flowing water, rockery ponds, and everything else. When the wind blows, the willows are swaying and the green branches are swaying, which is really pleasant.

At this time, the banquet had not yet been held, tea and fruit snacks were placed on the marble table in the pavilion, Mr. Wang sat with him for a while, then said that it was convenient for him, and I will not accompany you for the time being.

He drank tea and admired the flowers by himself. Although he was bored, he didn't go around. After all, it was the garden of the palace. If he met someone he shouldn't, it would be hard to say.

After a while, the sound of the piano came to my ears leisurely. The sound of the piano was very special. It played high mountains and flowing water, but it was different from the tunes he usually heard. It was a little less majestic and more tender.

(End of this chapter)

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