Chapter 371 Why Are You Here?
Chapter 372

He usually doesn't pay much attention to elegance, but he is very sensitive to the sound of the piano, he doesn't know much about it, but he likes it.

Maybe it's because I heard that Princess Tianyu's piano skills are very good!
He likes everything Princess Tianyu likes!

He got up, followed the sound of the piano, walked through the beautiful and fragrant flowerbed, and walked over the small bridge of flowing water. He saw a middle-aged woman sitting under the pear tree full of trees, with her slender fingers The antique zither was plucked non-stop, and beautiful notes jumped out one by one. On the open space covered with pink and white petals, a woman in green was dancing.

He just glanced at it lightly, then his eyes fell on the piano player again, and then he closed his eyes, listening carefully to this rare music, so as not to disturb the wonderful feast in his ears by those who shouldn't appear .

When the sound of the zither stopped, he just opened his eyes, clapped his hands, walked forward, and said to the woman: "Good qin, good song, good skill!"

The middle-aged woman looked indifferent, raised her eyebrows and glanced at Zheng Zhongwen, stood up and said with a smile: "Master, it's absurd!"

Zheng Zhongwen was about to speak again, when a green dress broke into his sight, raised his shy little face and said: "Mr. Zheng, why are you here?"

Isn't this asking knowingly?Didn't you bring me here?Zheng Zhongwen sneered slightly in his heart, but his face showed surprise: "Miss Wang? Why are you here?"

The middle-aged woman glanced at Zheng Zhongwen again, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, thinking that Mr. Zheng is really an interesting person.

Wang Yunyan's complexion immediately became ugly. Hearing what he meant, he didn't see her just now?
how can that be?She is such a big living person, but he can't see her?It's not blind.

Either it was on purpose, to embarrass her on purpose!
Want to piss her off?Hmph, no way!
"Mr. Zheng is really good at joking. I've been here all the time. Maybe the clothes I'm wearing today are the same color as the green leaves. You didn't pay much attention, did you?"

Zheng Zhongwen shrugged, without saying anything, turned to the middle-aged woman and said, "Did you make up this song yourself?"

The middle-aged woman shook her head: "No, I don't have such ability. It was made up by a benefactor. She saw that I liked it very much, so she gave me the score."

Zheng Zhongwen was full of curiosity: "Who is your benefactor?"

The middle-aged woman shook her head again: "I don't know either. She is a doctor. When she traveled to Liangzhou with her master, she accidentally saved my life. When she saw that there was a piano in my room, she stroked it casually and saw me again. If you like it, you will give me the sheet music."

Miss Wang saw that the two were chatting happily, as if she had completely forgotten her existence, she felt dissatisfied, she turned her eyes to the woman, and coughed dryly.

The woman understood, and said: "If there is nothing else, I will step down first." It was obvious that the Goddess was interested, but King Xiang was not, and Miss Wang seemed to be disappointed.

After the woman left, Zheng Zhongwen said to Miss Wang, "I have something to do too, so I'll leave!"

From the beginning to the end, he didn't look at her directly. Her careful dressing up today seemed to be useless.

She is not reconciled!

She was the one who met him first, so why can Qi Rongyue get his love but she can't.

She rushed to Zheng Zhongwen, stopped him, raised her neck slightly and looked at the man in front of her: "Do you hate me so much?"

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, feeling displeased, but he couldn't push people away. After all, he was in someone else's territory, and it didn't seem good if he went too far.

(End of this chapter)

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