Chapter 372 Flood
Chapter 373

"Where did Miss Wang say this?" He raised his eyebrows, his face was expressionless and indifferent.

She said: "Since you don't hate me, why don't you even say a word to me?"

He said: "Whether a man or a woman is close or not, it's better to avoid suspicion. I'm also thinking about your boudoir's reputation, miss!"

Wang Yunyan sneered: "It's a good man and woman who can't get close, so why do you run to Rongyu Hall all day long? You and Miss Qi, hugging in the street, didn't you think about her boudoir reputation?"

Zheng Zhongwen was displeased, why should she question Wang Yunyan about him and Rong Yue?
"She is Zheng Zhongwen's woman. We are going to get married soon. There is no need for such taboos. Ms. Wang, although you have rescued me, you are not qualified to ask about my fiancee and me. After all, we are not familiar enough." Please get out of this way, I have an appointment with Lord Wang."

Wang Yunyan's face turned red, every word he said, every cold look in his eyes was like sharp needles, piercing her heart one by one, the pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe, she couldn't bear the pain.

"What's wrong with me? Is there anything I can't compare to her? Why didn't you choose me? Why did you choose an abandoned girl who shows up in public all day? She doesn't deserve you, don't you know?" Wang Yunyan raised her head Volume, said sharply towards Zheng Zhongwen.

Zheng Zhongwen kept a calm face and finally revealed an angry look: "Miss Wang, please be careful with your words. Although I, Zheng Zhongwen, am a gentleman, I don't absolutely never hit women. If you say another word to judge Rong Yue, I can't guarantee it." I will not retaliate against you."

The sudden ferocity on Zheng Zhongwen's face made Wang Yunyan terrified, and she staggered two steps back, her eyes full of panic, but she didn't know what to say, so she could only watch Zheng Zhongwen stride away.

Everything that happened here soon spread to Mr. Wang and his wife's ears. Both of them sighed, feeling sorry for their daughter, and regretting that this precious fate would end in the end.

Master Wang pretended nothing happened, returned to the pavilion with a smile on his face, ordered his servants to serve wine and dishes, and after a while, Zheng Zhongwen got up to say goodbye, his words and expressions were not as gentle as before, a little more Very tough and cold.

Master Wang naturally understood the reason, so he could only pretend not to see it with a smile, and sent Zheng Zhongwen away with a smile.

After all, it is Yongping Hou Shizi, a mere prefect, what else can he do?
If he didn't tear up his face, he had already given him face!

Zheng Zhongwen intends to bring Qi Rongyue back to Beijing in half a month, to meet the elders and get engaged, preferably to set a date for the wedding, the sooner the better.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. Since the day I left the palace, it has started to rain heavily. It has been raining for ten days in a row. The terrain of Jincheng is high. Although it has been raining for days, there is no water in the city. The county town suffered from seedlings, and the heavy rain accumulated for several days washed away the river embankment, not to mention the flooded crops, and even many villages suffered disasters.

The refugees flocked to Jincheng, the only city that was not affected by the disaster. The King of Jin was afraid that there would be unpredictable riots after the refugees entered the city, so he simply ordered people to close the city gate, and directly sent people to build a temporary wooden shed outside the city for the refugees to live in. Open warehouses to release grain, and respond to emergencies before the court's disaster relief grain arrives.

It's just that the food in Prince Jin's Mansion is limited after all, and the government office doesn't have much food in stock, so they try to mobilize the big families in the city that have food in stock, and ask them to lend a helping hand to help the victims of the disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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