Chapter 373 Refugees
Chapter 374

However, those big households stood on the tower and looked down. The black refugees gathered in pieces, which immediately swallowed their newly born helping heart.

There are so many refugees eating at least one or two meals, no matter how much food they have in store, it is still not enough for them to eat!

What's more, now that the wilds are affected by disasters, they may not be able to receive cheap food for a while, and the price of food in the city is about to rise. If they use the stored food to relieve the disaster at this time, wouldn't they suffer a big loss?

After the big family returned, they closed their doors to thank the guests, and no one was seen, pretending to be sick and dead.

Zheng Zhongwen led his people to mobilize around, but could not get any results, not a single grain was raised.

At this time, Qi Rongyue came to the largest rice shop in the city, and after discussing with the owner of the rice shop, the owner of the rice shop agreed to sell five thousand catties of rice to Qi Rongyue at a price that had not increased.

"Miss, let Zheng Shizi deal with the rice. There are people in their yamen, and they will naturally send people to the outside of the city to deal with the emergency. Let's not go there in person. There are so many refugees who are so hungry. When they see this white rice, Maybe something will go wrong, our daughter's family is too dangerous!" Xue'er persuaded.

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "No, I want to go in person!" If not, how could her name, Qi Rongyue, have spread from Jincheng to farther places.

Xue'er couldn't turn her around, so she had to call all the guards and buddies of Rongyu Hall, closed the shop first, and escorted the young lady out of the city together.

Unexpectedly, before the city gate came out, they met another group of people, who were also escorting five thousand catties of rice, and rushed to the city gate by another road, and happened to meet at the main road.

The leader was the shopkeeper Fan whom she knew very well.

Shopkeeper Fan greeted her: "Miss Qi, as Mr. Wan expected, I will meet Miss Qi here!"

Qi Rongyue also laughed, meeting shopkeeper Fan here was also within her expectation.

At this time, another group of people came, and the leader was Zheng Zhongwen.

Shopkeeper Fan said with a smile: "Zheng Shizi is in charge of the general judge, but what he does all day long is something that has nothing to do with his job. Presumably it's all for Miss Qi!"

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly, looking back at the tall man galloping towards him, her heart was warm and she felt indescribably at ease, as if as long as he was around, she would not have to be afraid of anything.

He got off his horse, walked up to her, and said with a smile: "I knew you would come, there is chaos outside the city, you and Xue'er will follow me in a while, don't wander around, understand?"

She nodded: "Well, listen to you!"

With sweetness in his heart, he stretched out his fingers and scratched Rongyue's nose, and said dotingly, "You, if only you were so obedient on weekdays!"

The city gate was wide open, and he stretched out his hand to her: "Hand me!" He was still worried. Refugees are human too, and there are good people and bad people among them. How can he rest assured that he is tightly clasped by his side?
She put her plain little hand into his generous and callused palm, with a sweet smile, and the feeling of being cared for was really good.

Then Baimi's cars went out of the city one by one, and came to the porridge shed set up by King Jin.

Seeing that there was food being sent out of the city, many refugees immediately surrounded them. Fortunately, the government soldiers brought by Zheng Zhongwen and the brothers brought by Wan Wutang were there to maintain order. Otherwise, once these refugees surrounded them, they would see the white rice , Rice grabbing riots can easily occur, and the consequences are unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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