Chapter 374
Chapter 375

Under the maintenance of the soldiers, the order of the porridge shed was gradually established, and there was no riot. Bowls of porridge were delivered to the refugees. Seeing their satisfied and happy expressions, everyone felt that all the hard work was worth it.

Accompanied by Zheng Zhongwen, Qi Rongyue saw doctors and delivered medicines for several sick refugees, and worked until it was dark before returning to the city.

[-] catties of rice, together with the food released by Jinwang Mansion and Zhifu Yamen, are enough for these refugees to survive the most difficult few days.

In just a few days, the names of Qi Rongyue, Zheng Zhongwen and Mr. Wan spread throughout the refugee camp. The communication between people is very simple. Although the exchange of sincerity and trust is simple, it is difficult to do it well. .

But Qi Rongyue did it with ease, it wasn't the first time she did such a thing, she not only had experience, but also sincerity.

She sincerely hopes that these refugees can get enough food and clothing and suffer less suffering, and she is trying her best to help them.

"She's completely out of the limelight, she seems to be the only one who can be a good person!" Chu Tianxin stood on the top of the city gate, looking at Qi Rongyue who was being supported and praised by crowds of refugees outside the city, feeling very displeased. As if those limelights should belong to her, these compliments should belong to her alone, but now——

Min Hengzhi squinted at her, and said in a nonchalant way: "Such a limelight really shouldn't be allowed to go out by herself. If you want to get such a limelight, it's not impossible!"

Chu Tian raised his eyebrows and looked sideways at him: "Tell me!"

Min Hengzhi pointed to the porridge shed outside the city that was emitting white smoke, and said, "It's very busy there every day, and no matter how many people there are, there will never be enough people. If you serve porridge to refugees as a princess, I think they will be very busy." I will definitely support you the same way I support Qi Rongyue, oh no, I will even support you even more! After all, your status is much higher than hers, and the effect of condescending like this is naturally better than her being a commoner."

Chu Tianxin followed his fingers and looked at the porridge shed. The simple wooden frame was covered with thatch. The shed was very small, but there were many people. You squeezed me, I bumped into you, and everyone's sleeves were rolled up. Getting up, sweating profusely, surrounded by dirty and smelly refugees, the dirty hands kept reaching into the porridge shed to take the bowls of steaming white porridge.

Her stomach was churning, and she almost vomited out the bird's nest that she ate at noon.

She quickly waved her hand: "This kind of limelight, whoever loves it, I won't join in the fun!" She said, she no longer wanted to stay on the city gate tower, and pulled Min Hengzhi to turn around and leave without even looking at him. I would like to see more, for fear of affecting her appetite at night.

Min Hengzhi snorted coldly in his heart: As expected, like a father, like a daughter, the father's cruelty and ruthlessness have been completely passed down to the daughter.

After going down the city gate, Min Hengzhi broke away from Chu Tianxin and held his hand tightly, and said quietly: "I want to go out of the city to have a look, you should go back first!"

Chu Tianxin frowned: "They are just refugees. What's there to see? They have food to eat and places to sleep. You don't need to worry about them."

Min Hengzhi looked at her face, on this beautiful but cold face, he couldn't see a trace of concern for the thousands of refugees outside the city.

Such a person is also worthy of being a princess?

"This is Jincheng, and I am the King of Jin. This is my responsibility and even more my obligation. You go back, and you don't have to wait for me to eat at night." After saying that, he turned around and strode away.

No matter how Chu Tianxin yelled, he ignored it.

(End of this chapter)

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