Chapter 375 Take her away

Chapter 376

"Where's Miss Qi?" Min Hengzhi asked a soldier of the government.

The mansion soldier hurriedly said: "A lot of refugees are sick today, Miss Qi went to treat them!"

Min Hengzhi's heart beat wildly, and he asked again: "A lot of refugees are sick? What's wrong? What are the symptoms?"

Fu Bing said: "In the morning, two children fell ill first, vomiting and diarrhea, rashes on the face, and weak body. At noon, more than a dozen adults and children fell ill one after another. Most of the symptoms were the same."

Min Hengzhi's palms gradually broke out in cold sweat. This was the result he was most afraid of. Is it really what he thought?

The occurrence of a disaster is not terrible. What is terrible is that after the disaster, corpses spread all over the fields, and the rotting corpses melted into the river and spread the source of the disease with the current. The disease is most likely to occur. Once the disease occurs, it will spread very quickly. The speed of the epidemic spread, not only these refugees, but even Jincheng was not spared. There was an ancient book that said that after the outbreak of the epidemic, it could even destroy a country!
Such a disaster is not the first.

"Quick, take me to see Miss Qi!" Min Hengzhi's heart was beating like a thunderous drum, his mind was blank now, he just wanted to see Qi Rongyue immediately, and take her away from this place, away from the place where the disease originated.

The government soldiers quickly led Min Hengzhi to the refugee camp, and under the tips of the refugees, they quickly found Qi Rongyue who was taking the pulse of a little girl.

Zheng Zhongwen was standing by Qi Rongyue's side, Xue'er was standing on the other side, both of them were holding a big earthen pot, Qi Rongyue took his pulse, turned his head and said something to Xue'er, Xue'er immediately Then she took a step forward and brought the big pot close to the woman next to the girl. The woman raised the bowl to catch the brown soup that Xueer poured out of the pot.

Min Hengzhi rushed forward, grabbed Qi Rongyue's wrist, and pulled her up from the girl's body.

Qi Rongyue was stunned for a moment, seeing that the person holding her was Min Hengzhi, she hurriedly pulled out her hand, but with her strength, how could she be Min Hengzhi's opponent, Min Hengzhi's hand was like an iron hoop, tightly around her arm.

Zheng Zhongwen stuffed the earthen pot in his hand into the hands of the guards on the side, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and threw it on him, regardless of whether the opponent was King Jin or Lao Tzu, the king of heaven, if he touched Rongyue, he would not agree.

King Jin held Qi Rongyue in one hand, drew his sword in the other hand to deal with Zheng Zhongwen's sword attack, and must always pay attention to the refugees around him so as not to hurt innocent people. In the next round, Zheng Zhongwen's long sword stabbed his right arm.

Seeing this, the guards of the palace who came along with King Jin were about to rush forward to help, but they were surrounded and intercepted by refugees, and the scene became very chaotic for a while.

Qi Rongyue suffered from pain in her wrist and yelled at Min Hengzhi: "Min Hengzhi, are you crazy? What are you doing?"

Min Hengzhi ignored the wound on his right arm that was bleeding, and still held her tightly with his left hand: "I'm not crazy, it's you who are crazy, you know - you know what disease they have, but you still want to stay here looking for death, aren't you crazy?" Now, what is it?"

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, stopped attacking suddenly, and asked Min Hengzhi: "What do you mean by that? What does it mean that Rong Yue is courting death? Please speak clearly!"

Min Hengzhi snorted coldly: "I can't tell you, get out of the way, I will take her away."

Qi Rongyue seemed to understand what he was afraid of, she frowned and said, "Things are not what you think, let go first!"

(End of this chapter)

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