Chapter 376 Poisoning
Chapter 377

Not what he thought?What is that?

Seeing that Qi Rongyue didn't seem to be lying, Min Hengzhi let go of his hand, stared at her face, and waited for her answer.

She retreated from his side, looked Zheng Zhongwen up and down, saw that he was not injured, then turned to face Min Hengzhi, and said: "You go back to the city first and wait for us in Rongyu Hall. I still have three patients to see. Let’s go back and we’ll discuss countermeasures then.”

Her manner of speaking was very casual, as if she was talking to a very familiar old acquaintance, but she could be particularly indifferent, as if there was some unresolvable resentment between the two of them.

Min Hengzhi knew that it was useless to force him, so he stopped talking, turned around and left the refugee camp with his guards, and went straight to Rongyu Hall.

"Are you okay?" Zheng Zhongwen took her hand, saw the blue and red intersection on the wrist, gritted his teeth, and said, "Damn, this Min Hengzhi didn't know what medicine he took wrongly, and why he was looking for death or not, it's simply inexplicable!"

Qi Rongyue shook her head and said in a low voice: "He misunderstood something! That's why it happened!"

Zheng Zhongwen was puzzled: "What did you misunderstand? Why did he say you were looking for death? Do you know?"

Qi Rongyue stood on tiptoe, moved her lips to his son and whispered a few words, seeing Zheng Zhongwen's face changed drastically, he grabbed her hand and said in surprise: "Is this true?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "Of course it's not true, otherwise how could I let you stand here? I already know this matter in my heart, it's inconvenient to talk about it now, I'll talk about it later in Rongyu Hall."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "Okay!" Although he was surprised in his heart, he always believed in Rong Yue's words. If she said it was not true, it must not be true.

In the evening, the two returned to the city from the refugee camp, and went straight back to Rongyu Hall. The door of Rongyu Hall was open, and the lights were already lit in the room. As soon as they entered the door, they could feel a very depressing aura.

Min Hengzhi sat behind the consultation table where Qi Rongyue usually sat. On the table was the blue book, which was the 'boudoir gossip' that Qi Rongyue was reading every day.

Qi Rongyue frowned, and said with displeasure, "Prince Jin please, this place is not suitable for you."

Min Hengzhi glanced lightly at the books on the table, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, his sharp eyes seemed to have seen everything.

Zheng Zhongwen has also read that book, so he naturally understands the reason for his smile, he secretly thinks something is wrong, and he doesn't know what this Min Hengzhi is planning.

Min Hengzhi got up, walked out of the consultation table, and followed Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen to the backyard.

There was a small hall in the backyard specially used for eating, which was fully equipped with tables and chairs. Qi Rongyue led the two of them into the small hall, and then asked Xueer to guard the outside, not allowing anyone to approach and eavesdrop.

Min Hengzhi was the first to speak: "You said that things are not what I thought, so what's going on? Why do so many refugees suffer from sudden illness in one day, and the symptoms are all similar to—" He looked at Zheng Zhongwen With a glance, he still said it: "It's all the same as the epidemic!"

Qi Rongyue said: "It's not an epidemic, it's someone who poisoned you!" She said softly.

Min Hengzhi widened his handsome eyes and asked in surprise, "Someone poisoned you? Are you sure?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "I'm sure, I've seen the epidemic. Although it is very similar to this, it is not exactly the same. Moreover, after taking my medicine, their symptoms were relieved immediately. If it is an epidemic, do you think it is possible? ?"

Of course it's impossible, even if the master took action himself, it is impossible to refine the medicine that can control the epidemic in such a short period of time. Even if there is such a medicine, it is impossible for the highly infectious epidemic to be cured so quickly. Control, it's impossible.

Otherwise, what is there to fear about the epidemic?

"What kind of poison?" Min Hengzhi asked.

She actually didn't want to say it, because this kind of poison is very rare, but she and Min Hengzhi have both seen this kind of poison!
(End of this chapter)

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