Chapter 380

Chapter 381

The man confessed that he was just an errand runner, and he would do whatever the people above asked him to do. As for the consequences of doing this, he didn't know at all.

He stays by the Qingshui River not far from the refugee camp every day. Whenever he sees cooks in the refugee camp coming to fetch water, he pretends to be a refugee and goes forward to help carry the water, and then pours poison into the bucket inside.

Qi Rongyue looked at the middle-aged man, and asked word by word: "How much medicine is given for a bucket of water?"

The man shook his head: "I don't know exactly how much medicine was given. The person above wrapped it up for me. There is not much in a bucket of water and a small bag. After taking the medicine the first day, I saw that the refugee camp also No one died, but I heard that some people had vomiting and diarrhea, and I thought it was just laxatives."

Qi Rongyue frowned, and asked again: "You said each time a small bag, why didn't you find it on your body, and now you only found this big bag?"

The man hurriedly said: "Yesterday, I was given a small bag, but today I was only given a big bag, and told me to sprinkle it all in the Qingshui River. Before I had time to go, you guys caught me."

Qi Rongyue asked again: "Where's the paper that wrapped the medicine before? Is there any more?"

The man said: "I just threw it in the grass by the river!"

Qi Rongyue stopped asking, and looked at Min Hengzhi.

Min Hengzhi understood, and hurriedly asked his subordinates to escort the man to the river to look for it. Sure enough, he found two yellow papers wrapped in medicine in a short while and brought them back.

Qi Rongyue took the yellow paper, looked at it for a while, her expression changed many times, and there was a strong look of worry between her brows and eyes.

Zheng Zhongwen held another piece of yellow paper and looked at it for a while, but couldn't see anything. He asked curiously, "Is there any clue on it? Why can't I understand it?"

Of course he couldn't understand, he had never been to Laiwu Mountain, and he didn't know the master, so how could he understand the secret connection between the master and the disciple.

Min Hengzhi frowned tightly, realizing something, he said to Qi Rongyue: "You suspect Master—" She shook her head, motioning him not to say anything, not to say it here.

Min Hengzhi shut his mouth, turned around and entered the city, Qi Rongyue put away the two yellow papers, and immediately entered the city.

There is a dark room at the gate of the city, three people enter, and a trusted person stays outside.

"You guys are so mysterious, what did you find?" Zheng Zhongwen felt in a bad mood, the familiarity between Rong Yue and Min Heng seemed beyond his imagination.

Qi Rongyue didn't make a sound, and quickly lit the oil lamp on the table, took the yellow paper and baked it on the oil lamp for a while, only to see that two lines gradually appeared on the paper that had no handwriting on it after being baked. handwriting.

The handwriting was very messy, obviously it was written in a hurry, even though it was messy, Qi Rongyue and Min Hengzhi could still recognize it as the master's handwriting at a glance.

Looking at the messy handwriting, Zheng Zhongwen read: "The green branches and red leaves are falling, and three lions sit in the courtyard."

"What does this mean? Who left this writing?" Zheng Zhongwen looked at Qi Rongyue who was clearly restless.

Qi Rongyue said: "This is the word left by my master. She also formulated the poison, and she also explained the method of poisoning. It can attract Min Hengzhi's attention, but it won't hurt anyone. Only she can do it. See Come on, she was coerced."

Min Hengzhi nodded: "That's right, there are not many people in the world who know about the Lantuo flower poison. I am one of them. Since Tianyu's accident, she has completely cut off contact with me. I know she is also blaming me, and she doesn't want to do it again." She recognizes me as a disciple, but now, she chooses to ask me for help in this way, it seems that it is a last resort, and we must find her as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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