Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 381 Three Lions Sitting in the Courtyard

Chapter 381 Three Lions Sitting in the Courtyard

Chapter 382

Zheng Zhongwen looked surprised, Rong Yue said, this is the handwriting left by her master, and Min Hengzhi said, he is this person's disciple, that is to say, the two of them are brothers and sisters?Have you ever studied art under a master?Just now Min Hengzhi also mentioned the eldest princess, what does this have to do with the eldest princess?
Why didn't Rongyue tell him before?Why hide it from him?
Qi Rongyue took a look at Zheng Zhongwen, and sighed: "I didn't mean to hide it from you, but I just don't want and don't want to be brothers and sisters with Min Hengzhi, and I don't want to have anything to do with him, so I just pretended not to know each other, who knows—" She sighed again: "The top priority now is to rescue the master first, and I will tell you slowly about the other things!"

Zheng Zhongwen is not an unreasonable person, he knew that Rongyue would have something hard to say if he didn't say anything: "Okay, listen to you!" He picked up the yellow paper on the table, looked at the simple ten words, green branches, red leaves falling , Three lions sit in the courtyard.

Zheng Zhongwen thought for a while, and said: "I guess, master, she must be in Jincheng, but she doesn't know her exact location, so she uses the green branches, red leaves, and three lions sitting in the courtyard to describe her current residence."

Qi Rongyue nodded: "I think so too. The person who kidnapped Master must be in Jincheng and is familiar with the current situation in Jincheng. Moreover, he should have discovered that Master has no intention of helping him to harm others, so he gave the order." Let the person who poisoned throw the remaining large amount of poison into the river at one time, so that the people in Jincheng and even the people downstream will be poisoned."

Min Hengzhi said: "Fortunately, fortunately, the poisoner was caught today, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous,"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head and said: "Things will not be so simple. If I were the instigator behind the scenes, I would never let only one person poison, just like selling eggs, I would never put all the eggs in one basket." , it’s not safe, do you want to break it together? If you pack it separately, if the basket falls, you will only lose a small part.”

Min Hengzhi rushed out the door quickly, and said to the guards outside: "Hurry up, send people out of the city immediately, and strictly investigate the Qingshui River. If you see any suspicious people, you will bring them back. Also, tell the congee shed not to use the water from the Qingshui River today. I will send people to bring water, and I will not allow refugees to go to Qingshui River to get water, and I will strictly guard against it, and absolutely not let any suspicious person escape!"

After the guards led the order, he went back to the dark room, saw that Zheng Zhongwen was still looking at the yellow paper carefully, and asked, "What clues can you see?"

Zheng Zhongwen pointed to the yellow paper and said: "Look at this paper, it looks like a very ordinary yellow paper, but if you look closely, you will find that this kind of yellow paper is somewhat different from the yellow paper we usually use."

Min Hengzhi took the yellow paper from Zheng Zhongwen, looked at it carefully and shook his head: "I can't see it, it looks like ordinary yellow paper no matter how you look at it, it's all over the street, there's nothing unusual about it!"

At this time, Qi Rongyue answered: "Yellow paper is very versatile and cheap. Children from poor families also use yellow paper to practice calligraphy, pharmacies use yellow paper to pack medicine, and dim sum shops use yellow paper to pack dim sum. But have you ever noticed that the yellow paper of our Chu Dynasty is thinner, softer and more resilient, and the creases are not too obvious after being folded, but these two yellow papers are obviously different, except for the same color, the paper It is thicker, with obvious wrinkles, and judging from the handwriting of the master, this kind of paper is obviously not fine enough, so it is not suitable for writing."

(End of this chapter)

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