Chapter 383 The Third Prince

Chapter 384

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi still felt that something was wrong, and wanted to persuade him again, but was interrupted by the young man in Jin Yi waving his hand: "Needless to say, at this pass, we are outsiders, and it is not good to disappear suddenly, we still need to continue to use this identity in Chu To do more things, how can you give up this identity now without any movement?"

Seeing that talking is useless, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi stopped talking nonsense, and just sighed: "In this case, let's hold back for now, and we will find another way in the refugee camp. Those who are sent to provoke troubles, I will inform them to settle down for the time being." Come down, so as not to make people suspicious, I think that Zheng Shizi is not an easy person to dismiss, and seems to have become suspicious of those people."

The young man in brocade clothes nodded: "Alright, you can make arrangements for them to keep their mouths shut and not reveal anything they shouldn't!"

There was a fierce look on the face of the young middle-aged man, and he said coldly: "These people are originally from the Chu Dynasty. They took a huge risk when they were used at the beginning. If they dare to betray their hearts now, I will definitely not Will let them go!"

"Master Gongliang, don't be so nervous. The matter may not be as complicated as you think. Those people were just playing tricks in the refugee camp, and they didn't do anything illegal. You're not stupid, if you confess us, what good will it do them? Don't think too much!"

"Third Prince, you should plan ahead for everything, and you can't wait for it to come to an end before thinking of countermeasures!" Gong Liangjun looked worried. The third prince is so optimistic because he has never encountered setbacks along the way. A person like him, Once encountering setbacks, it will be difficult to bear the consequences, and it is difficult to overcome the great responsibility!

But he was very stubborn and refused to listen to his advice.

In the middle of the night, several black shadows appeared quietly outside the teacher's residence. After some inquiries, two black shadows jumped up the courtyard wall first. After some inspections in the courtyard, they sent a safety signal to the people outside the courtyard and immediately There are four other shadows leaping into the middle courtyard together.

"Stay by my side, don't run around!" Min Hengzhi grabbed Qi Rongyue's wrist and said in a low voice.

Qi Rongyue withdrew her hand and said softly, "You take care of yourself!"

Qi Rongyue's family skills are not as good, but her light body skills are still good, coupled with her light body, she completely disappeared under Min Hengzhi's eyes in a few flashes.

Min Hengzhi had no choice but to act according to the previous plan and act separately in order to find the place where the master was held as soon as possible. Even if the master was not found, he also tried his best not to alarm the people in the mansion.

She soon discovered that although the house was not big, there were many guards guarding it, and these guards seemed to be well-trained, they were by no means ordinary courtyard guards, and the people living here were obviously not ordinary merchants.

Qi Rongyue was secretly excited, it seems that they bet right!
She hid in the dark, looked at the layout of the house, and wondered if it was her, where would she keep the very important prisoner?
Her eyes locked on to a house, which of course was closely guarded.

The master's martial arts are so strong that she can obediently practice poison to harm others. Obviously, the guards in front of her are not high enough. The master must have been poisoned, so she can't perform martial arts and can only be temporarily restrained by others.

She moved like a cat, walking quietly through the shadows. When the wind blew up, she took out a handkerchief from her arms, and shook the handkerchief in the wind.

"It smells so good! What kind of flower fragrance is this? Why haven't I smelled it before?"

"Not good, it's—poison—" As soon as the words fell, four strong black shadows fell down together, and they failed to make a cry for help.

(End of this chapter)

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