Chapter 384

Chapter 385

Using poison is undoubtedly the best and quickest method, she is proficient in this way, so naturally she should make good use of it.

Walking to the dormitory of the burly man, the door was locked with a big lock, and the windows were also nailed with wooden bars. If you want to go in without disturbing other people in the courtyard, you have to open the big lock this way.

Lockpicking is a technical job, she has never learned it, but she has one thing that can turn this heavy lock into waste in an instant.

When he separated from Zhongwen, he gave her the dagger he carried with him for self-defense. This is a small and exquisite sword that cuts iron like mud. Gave him his only son.

Zhongwen originally planned to give the dagger to the eldest princess, but he did not expect that the news of the engagement between the eldest princess and the king of Jin spread in the palace. Afterwards, he never saw the eldest princess again, and the dagger was never given away. Unexpectedly, after going around, the dagger finally fell into her hands.

She secretly used her inner strength and slammed it hard, and the big lock fell. She turned sideways vigilantly, pushed open the door, grabbed the unconscious guard and threw it into the room. Sure enough, a silver light shone in the dark night. With a puff, it pierced into the guard's chest. When he realized that he had killed the wrong person, a burst of strange fragrance entered his nostrils. Before he could even react, he fell down.

Holding a sharp knife in her hand, she crossed the bodies of the two and walked to the bed where the figure was wriggling.

She heard a whining sound, as if the mouth of the person on the bed was blocked and could not make a sound at all.

Quickly turning on the lights in the room, she saw a person tied up on the bed, with disheveled hair, haggard face, a ball of cloth stuffed in his mouth, his eyes were full of vigilance, and the bright red beauty tear in the corner of his eye was very eye-catching .

She blurted out: "Master!"

There was a strange light in Jian Yun's eyes, and she stared at Qi Rongyue firmly with her beautiful eyes, until all the shackles on her body were untied, and the cloth towel was removed from her mouth, she did not blink a single time.

When her hands were free again, she grabbed Qi Rongyue's collar and pulled it hard. The button of the collar came off, revealing the white and delicate skin on her chest. .

Jian Yun's hands trembled slightly, looking at the imprint, and then at Qi Rongyue's face, tremblingly said: "Yu'er, is that you? Is it you, Yu'er?"

Qi Rongyue's tears burst out instantly, and she threw herself into Jian Yun's arms with sobs: "Master!"

Jian Yun is so familiar with this action, every time Tian Yu acts like a baby to her, he will throw himself into her arms like now.

Tianyu worshiped her as a teacher when she was 13 years old. She has been a teacher and apprentice for five years. She is like a gift from God, and she is as caring as her own daughter. There is no day when she is not happy. She never thought that that farewell would be a farewell forever.

But she also knew that Yu'er would not die, and that she had a treasure protecting her life, which was the biggest reason why she was willing to accept Yu'er as her disciple. Thinking of it, before she could do anything, something happened to her.

At this time, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps, and Qi Rongyue hurriedly got out of the master's arms, fastened the collar button, and said in a low voice: "Master, Min Hengzhi didn't know about this matter, you just treat me as your queen." Your little apprentice, Qi Rongyue!"

Jian Yun nodded, the less people know about this kind of thing, the better!
It was not Min Hengzhi who rushed in, but the guard who rushed over after hearing the movement.

Nuyuan pulled out his long sword and threw himself on him, his sword moves were very sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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