Chapter 388 Zhou Guo
Chapter 389

"You need to practice your craft again!" Jian Yun looked at Zheng Zhongwen with a smile.

Zheng Zhongwen scratched his head in embarrassment: "Definitely!"

"Master, who is the person who arrested you?" Seeing Jian Yun put down the bowl, Qi Rongyue hurriedly asked.

Jian Yun sighed softly: "It's all because the teacher is too careless, and he fell into the plot of the white-eyed wolf."

"The other party is not from the Chu Dynasty, but from the Zhou Dynasty?" Zheng Zhongwen guessed.

Jian Yun cast admiring glances at him, and nodded with a faint smile: "Yes, it was the Zhou Dynasty. Two months ago, I rescued a young man who was poisoned in the border of Longxi. Who knows, just after I cured him, he died He bit me back, knocked me out when I was not prepared, poured the poison of cartilage powder into me, and then forced me to take him and his subordinates into the territory of the Chu Dynasty, pretending to be foreign merchants, and asked me to replace him. They practice poison to harm people, they watch me very closely, I have no chance to escape, so they deliberately lure them to Jincheng, and ask Heng Zhi for help with the poison of the blue tuo flower!"

Zheng Zhongwen snorted, "It's not Min Hengzhi who discovered this poison. If Rongyue hadn't been there, he might not have been able to recognize the Lantuo flower poison. He only thought those refugees had the plague."

Jian Yun nodded and sighed: "I've also thought about this possibility. After all, he is not proficient in medicine, so it's understandable that he didn't recognize him." After all, he is his disciple, and there is still a glimmer of hope for him in his heart.

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows deeply, and asked her master, "What exactly do people from the Zhou Dynasty want?"

Jian Yun said: "The one who hijacked me was the third prince of the Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Bo. Now the king's house is in chaos, the king of Zhou is old and will soon die, the queen has no children, and the four princes are fighting for power. Whoever can win the Chu Dynasty's six hundred miles of fertile land at the border of Longxi without any effort, the throne will be passed on to whomever."

Zheng Zhongwen said angrily: "Damn it, in order to seek their own interests, they actually use such inferior means to poison the poor people. If such a person becomes the king of Zhou, he will definitely provoke war."

Qi Rongyue wondered, "I remember that there were five princes in the royal family of Zhou, how come only four princes took power?"

Jian Yun said: "That's right, there are indeed five princes, but in the current royal family, there are only four princes. King Zhou's favorite youngest son disappeared five years ago, and his whereabouts are still unknown."

The struggle for power in the royal family has always been the cruelest and most ruthless. The little prince is deeply loved by his father, so he will naturally make people envious and jealous. It is also expected that he will end up like this.

Zheng Zhongwen said: "Zhou Bo will not give up easily after escaping this time, maybe he is hiding somewhere, waiting for a good opportunity to attack again!"

Jian Yun nodded: "It is very possible that Zhou Bo is actually not good enough. He is simple-minded, has no strategy, and is arrogant. The city is extremely deep, it cannot be underestimated!"

The three talked for a while, Zheng Zhongwen was suspicious and always wanted to ask, but he couldn't open his mouth.

Jian Yun said: "If you want to ask anything, just ask, don't hesitate!"

Zheng Zhongwen glanced at Qi Rongyue, and said with a smile: "I'm just curious, Rongyue has been raised in a deep boudoir, when did she worship you as a teacher? Why doesn't even Qi Yongchun know about this!"

Jian Yun knew that he was going to ask this question, and he already had the answer in his heart. He said with a light smile, "Fate is destined by the heavens. I, Jian Yun, have only had three apprentices in my life. The first is Min Hengzhi, the second is the eldest princess, and the third One is Melting Moon."

(End of this chapter)

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