Chapter 389 Accident
Chapter 390

She paused, glanced at Qi Rongyue, and said: "The three of them are the smartest and most hardworking children I have ever seen. Min Hengzhi and the eldest princess followed me to learn arts in Laiwu Mountain, while Rongyue was a child I accidentally accepted. My disciple, I passed on her medical books, occasionally went to her home to visit her quietly, and passed on some self-defense skills/methods, although she has never followed me, she has made great achievements with her own hard work, I am very pleased!"

So it turned out, Zheng Zhongwen felt relieved, and said with a smile: "Rong Yue is very smart and easy to learn, but the main reason for her current achievements is because of you, Master!"

Jian Yun laughed: "Look at her sweet mouth, no wonder a girl with a heart like Rong Yue can fall in love with her."

Zheng Zhongwen said with a smile: "Rong Yue can fall in love with me, not because of my sweet mouth!"

"What's the reason for that?" Jian Yun asked with a smile, ignoring the wink that Tuer threw at her.

Zheng Zhongwen chuckled, showing his white teeth, a little shyness appeared on his handsome face: "Because of my sincerity, my sincerity to Rongyue, the world can learn from it!"

Jian Yun nodded, her eyes full of admiration. Although she didn't have much contact with the young man in front of her, she could feel the sincerity in his eyes!

She is also very pleased that Yu'er can find a man who truly loves her, and hopes that this relationship will not change because of a twist of fate.

At this time, a person rushed in from the courtyard, panting, shouting for Mr. Zheng.

Zheng Zhongwen hurried to the courtyard, and Qi Rongyue followed, seeing a man in uniform, sweating profusely, seeing Zheng Zhongwen, he shouted loudly: "Master Zheng, something happened, the refugee camp Something happened over there!"

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly asked: "What happened?"

The officer hurriedly said: "Refugees went to the Qingshui River to fetch water to drink regardless of obstacles, but everyone who drank the water died!"

Zheng Zhongwen's complexion changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Didn't you ask you to stop them no matter what?"

The officer said: "We stopped them, but there were many of them, and we couldn't hurt anyone. During the arguing, they forcibly carried water into the refugee camp. When some unsuspecting refugees saw that there was water to drink, they rushed forward and gave a bucket of water to the camp. When we ran out of drink, we couldn’t even shout, and after a while, we started to foam at the mouth and twitched all over our body. We wanted to find a doctor, but before we got out of the refugee camp, those people lost their breath.”

Zheng Zhongwen turned to look at Qi Rongyue, Qi Rongyue frowned and said, "Go first, I'll be there later."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded, and quickly left the yard with the guards.

At this time, Sangui packed up the room and came out, and seeing the prince going out, he couldn't help but muttered, "I'm so busy this day that I can't see anyone!"

Qi Rongyue went back to the room and briefly explained the matter, Jian Yun said angrily: "Damn it, they still poisoned the river in large quantities after all."

"Master, what should I do now?"

Jian Yun thought for a while, raised her eyes to look at Qi Rongyue, and said: "You first ask Rong Yu Tang to send the medicine for refining cartilage powder and detoxifying pills, and I will make it myself, and after I am detoxified, I will go to the refugee camp to meet you. "

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Well, master, you should be more careful." She took out the dagger from her body and handed it to Jian Yun: "This is given to me by Zhongwen, it is very sharp, master, please keep it , for self-defense."

Jian Yun took the dagger, his eyebrows brightened slightly: "This is the treasure of the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty, and it fell into the hands of the Zheng family?"

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "Master Zheng Hou got it from Longxi!"

(End of this chapter)

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