Chapter 396
Chapter 397

In this life, she has saved thousands of lives, and how can she remember everyone's face!
"Have we met?" She looked at the man in front of her who was very glum, and asked with raised eyebrows.

Mr. Wan hadn't come back to his senses, he just stared at Jian Yun's face in a daze, unable to say a word.

Qi Rongyue reached out and shook his arm, and said with a smile, "My master is asking you something!"

Only then did Mr. Wan come back to his senses, his face flushed red, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure!"

Jian Yunfu asked, "Have we met?"

A trace of disappointment flashed across Mr. Wan's eyes, but it was only a trace. It was already a great grace from God to see her again, and he dared not expect her to remember him, after all, so many years had passed.

Mr. Wan said: "20 years ago, you saved my life in a village near the Nandian River. I was suffering from an epidemic at the time, and you rescued me when I was dying. I have survived until now, although I have never seen your true face. , but your eyebrows, I have never forgotten for a moment."

Jian Yun remembered the incident that year, she took him away among piles of dead people, he insisted on burying the rest of the corpses, but she finally set fire to everything, and then forced the infected Take away the sick young man, and 20 years later, the half-dead and skinny young man has turned into what he is now, with the demeanor of a mature man, completely transformed into another person.

"It seems that I did a good deed back then, otherwise these refugees outside the city today would not have enough food." Jian Yun was a little embarrassed by his staring eyes, and turned her head to avoid it. He looked at the tightly closed city gate and said, "Let someone open the gate!"

Mr. Wan quickly said yes, and waved his hand to let the city guards open the city gate.

Jian Yun took the lead, and Mr. Wan took a step behind, turned his head to Qi Rongyue and said, "I didn't expect you to be masters and apprentices! But your medical skills, apart from what she can teach, are probably second to none in the world." people!"

Qi Rongyue pursed her lips and smiled, deliberately lowered her voice and asked, "How does my master's appearance compare with what you imagined?"

Mr. Wan's face turned reddish: "It's better!"

Mr. Wan looked at Jian Yun's back, moved his body closer to Qi Rongyue, and lowered his voice again: "Is your master married?"

Qi Rongyue smiled even wider, and shook her head lightly: "I have never been married, and my master's eyes are higher than the top, and ordinary men can't get into her eyes. It is not an easy task to become my master's man!"

Mr. Wan was delighted, he understood what Qi Rongyue meant, and nodded knowingly at her: "I see!" The woman Xiao had been thinking about all his life finally fell before his eyes. Regret for a lifetime.

Looking around the refugee camp, seeing the joyful smiles of the refugees, Jian Yun and Qi Rongyue couldn't laugh anymore.

They have been working hard to prevent it, and the situation they least want to see has finally arrived.

Thousands of refugees gathered together, they came from different disaster areas, some even climbed out of the dead, just like Mr. Wan back then.

Mr. Wan was infected with the epidemic without knowing it. When he first contracted the epidemic, his body was the same as that of a normal person. people are at risk of being infected.

At this time, in the refugee camp, as far as Jian Yun and Qi Rongyue saw, there were more than [-] people who had erupted, not including those who had not yet erupted.

PS: The plot of these two days is in a transitional period, which is a necessary process. Rong Yue, Zhong Wen, and Min Hengzhi all need such an experience to lead to the excitement in the future. If you feel that the plot is boring, you can wait two days and watch it again , There will be a lot of progress in the plot tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If you have any suggestions for this article, you can put them in the message, brainstorming, and hope to make this story more and more full and more beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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