Chapter 397 The Sinner
Chapter 398

Treating an epidemic is different from treating ordinary diseases. The epidemic is contagious, and it is easy to infect. It is relatively simple to treat a person suffering from an epidemic, but it is extremely difficult to treat a large number of epidemic patients. They alternate with each other The infection is not easy to control. It is very likely that just after one is cured, the other will be infected again, and it will continue repeatedly.

"Master, what should we do now?" Qi Rongyue was very anxious. This is the Chu Dynasty, and this is the country that her father and ancestors spent their entire lives defending. These people are innocent lives. She can't just watch Let them die.

Jian Yun thought for a while, and said: "The top priority is to separate the infected patients from the non-infected people, so as to prevent more people from being infected, and to separate those who have been in contact with the infected patients. People should be isolated separately, and their situation should be observed first. If they are infected, I think there will be concentrated outbreaks in the next few days."

Soon, the government soldiers wrapped their mouths and noses with cloth scarves, rushed into the refugee area, and divided the refugees into three according to the arrangement of Jian Yun and Qi Rongyue.

The refugees seemed to have guessed the reason, but they didn't expect that they were surprisingly calm, none of them provoked trouble, and they all quietly listened to the soldiers of the Houfu.

Jian Yun and Qi Rongyue started to boil medicine overnight, and moved almost all the medicines from Renhetang into Rongyutang. When Baye Jin learned about this, he immediately said that she would take the medicines from Renhetang and the Eight Great Medical Centers. arts.

Jin Baye is a businessman and a smart person. If the epidemic of refugees outside the city cannot be controlled, they will spread into the city sooner or later. According to the cruelty of the regent, he might order the city to be burned. Everyone in Jincheng Don't try to run.

There is no way to hide the epidemic, and there is no need to hide it. Now Jincheng is in a state of panic, and the King of Jin has ordered the city to be closed. No one outside the city is allowed to enter unless certain people, and no one inside the city is allowed to go out. It's too late to escape now.

It was also because of this that those black hands who were hiding in the dark finally couldn't hold back the joy in their hearts, and finally showed their fox tails when the government office was in a mess.

Just as these people gathered in a wine shop, discussing spreading demagogic news in the city, Zheng Zhongwen led people to surround the wine shop, and Min Hengzhi arrived in time, a group of 18 people were all arrested.

After using the three instruments of torture in the dungeon, they confessed one after another. As Qi Rongyue expected, the so-called flood was actually man-made. They directly or indirectly killed tens of thousands of people. The city is in the most dangerous situation.

And the black hand behind the scenes is also one of these 18 people, Zhou Bo, the third prince of the Zhou Kingdom.

Zhou Bo stared arrogantly at Zheng Zhongwen in front of him: "What are you? Are you worthy of talking to me? Do you know who I am?"

Zheng Zhongwen hated him to the bone, wished he could skin him right now, fall down the steps, refused to accept softness, and dared to shout arrogantly, it was ridiculous.

Without further ado, Zheng Zhongwen pulled out the saber of the yamen servant, and stabbed it into Zhou Bo's thigh, blood spattered, splashing blood all over Zheng Zhongwen standing in front of him.

"What am I? I am nothing to others, but to you, I am Lord Hades!"

Zhou Bo's face turned pale in an instant, and the pain made his originally handsome features become grim.

"You, how dare you, if I die, my father, my father will never let you go, Zhou and Chu will definitely fight, you, you are a sinner, a sinner—"

(End of this chapter)

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