Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 402 The Palace of Imperial Harmony caught fire

Chapter 402 The Palace of Imperial Harmony caught fire

Chapter 403

"Quick, hurry up and put out the fire, the Palace of Imperial Harmony is on fire!"

"What? Is it the Palace of Imperial Harmony where the emperor lives?"

"Of course, is there a second Palace of Imperial Harmony in Chu Palace?"

"Don't go, who knows who started the fire, and no one from above asked us to put out the fire, so if we go rashly like this, we might be punished for some crime!"

Chu Tianqi, who was hiding in the dark, was so heartbroken that he couldn't speak at this time. It was Bishui, it must be Bishui. In order to cover him from leaving the palace, she pretended to be him and set fire to the Palace of Imperial Harmony. With her life, In exchange for the hope of his life.

Seeing Chu Tianqi looking back at the blazing Imperial Harmony Hall in the distance, his feet seemed to have taken root and refused to leave, the black-clothed guard said: "Your Majesty, if you don't leave, it will be a waste of what Miss Bishui did for you." all of these!"

Chu Tianqi woke up suddenly, that's right, now is not the time to be sad, he must survive, only by surviving can he have the chance to return to Chu Palace and have the possibility to avenge Bishui.

After the three father-in-laws returned to the palace from Prince Lian's mansion to secretly discuss the matter of killing the king, they saw the chaos in the palace as soon as they entered the palace gate, saying that the Palace of Imperial Harmony was on fire. The fire swallowed, the sound of beams and columns collapsing one after another, and even the sound of calling for help and screaming from inside, but no one dared to rush in to save people, and no one carried even a bucket of water to put out the fire, they just watched helplessly. The originally majestic and magnificent Palace of Imperial Harmony was turned into ruins.

Dequan asked a confidant eunuch: "Where is the emperor?"

The eunuch pointed at Huohai and said, "The emperor didn't come out."

Song Wu also asked: "Where are the maids and guards in the Palace of Imperial Harmony?"

The eunuch shook his head: "I didn't see any of them, maybe he went in to save the emperor, and he was also trapped!"

Dequan looked at Song Wu and Xu Tong, all three of them were terrified.

Without such a coincidence, how could there be such a coincidence in the world?

They had just received an order from Prince Lian in Prince Lian's mansion, asking them to create an accident as soon as possible, making Chu Tianqi completely disappear from this world.

This accident can be a drowning or a fire.

Such a coincidence?They had just returned to the palace, and this accident happened?

Was it really an accident?Of course they don't believe it.

However, I have to believe that if King Lian knew that the fire was not set by the three of them, but by someone else, it would be hard to say whether the emperor was in the Imperial Harmony Hall or not.

Then, the lives of the three of them will definitely not be saved.

Therefore, no matter who set the fire, they must say that they set it themselves, and the emperor must be inside, definitely there!

The fire in the palace was seen by most people in the capital city, some were happy and some were worried.

At dawn, a scorched corpse wearing a royal robe and a golden crown was found in the Palace of Imperial Harmony. With the golden crown beside his head, who can know who 'he' is?
The new emperor died, and the whole country mourned.


Jian Yun returned to Rongyu Hall from outside the city, passed the notice wall where the imperial list was posted in the city, and saw a guard in mourning clothes posting the list.

She was shocked, she had seen this scene before, when Emperor Chu Zong passed away last year, it was the same scene.

She rushed forward and looked at the newly posted notice that the emperor died three days ago!Death! !
She ran away, and when she rushed into Rongyu Hall, Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen were chatting and laughing, carrying food boxes and going out.

(End of this chapter)

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