Chapter 403
Chapter 404

Jian Yun rushed forward and grabbed Qi Rongyue's arm: "Rongyue, something happened!"

Seeing the master's appearance like this, Qi Rongyue hurriedly asked: "What happened? Why is your face so pale?" She even felt the trembling of the master's hand holding her arm.

The truth is too cruel for Qi Rongyue, she didn't want to say it, but how can such paper wrap fire?She will always know that it is better to be in front of the person she can trust the most than to lose her composure in front of strangers——

"Your Majesty, I'm dead—" The five words are as heavy as a thousand catties. Every time she utters a word, her heart feels like being stabbed by a sharp arrow. Can her apprentice survive this test?
With a "bang", the food box in Qi Rongyue's hand fell to the ground. She grabbed Jian Yun's arm with her backhand and said in surprise, "What did you say? What did you just say? Say it again!"

Tears flickered in Jian Yun's eyes, and he mourned, "Your Majesty, you have passed away—"

Five words, like five thunders, exploded in Qi Rongyue's ears, her mind went blank, a fishy sweetness welled up in her throat, and it sprayed on Jian Yun's body with a 'poof'.

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly hugged the limp Qi Rongyue, his eyes full of panic.

Jian Yun hurriedly said: "Don't stand still, quickly help her in."

After entering Rongyu Hall, Jian Yun said again: "Take her upstairs, hurry up!"

Zheng Zhongwen didn't dare to delay, he rushed upstairs with Qi Rongyue in his arms, and placed her on the bed in the room.

"Master, what happened to Rongyue? Why did she suddenly vomit blood?" Zheng Zhongwen was terrified. Why did someone who was fine just now suddenly vomit blood?Is it because of the death of the emperor?
The emperor is the younger brother of the eldest princess, and she is the younger sister of the eldest princess. He must be sad when he heard this news, but how could he react so strongly?

Jian Yun sighed: "When she wakes up, you can ask yourself, there are some things that I can't speak for her!"

Jian Yun gave Qi Rongyue the needle, and seeing her breathing gradually stabilized, she felt relieved.

Zheng Zhongwen stopped Jian Yun who was about to turn around and said: "Master, why on earth? Why did Rongyue refuse to come to Beijing with me to discuss marriage? And why did she vomit blood when she heard the news of the emperor's death? Please tell me the truth." !"

Jian Yun said: "She refused to go to Beijing with you to discuss marriage, it was for your own good, you will understand later."

"Why do you always say later, I don't want to wait later, I want to know now!" He is eager to know now, why?Is the relationship between Rong Yue and the eldest princess really just a relationship between teachers and sisters?How many secrets he does not know are hidden in her heart?
Jian Yun said: "Zhongwen, you have to trust Rongyue, she will not do anything that is unfavorable to you and the Yongping Houfu, some things she doesn't say are for your own good, and one day, she will tell you everything."

Jian Yun left the room sideways and went back to her own room to change clothes. She could understand Zhong Wen's mood. Rong Yue was his beloved woman. He wanted to protect her, love her, and stand in front of her in everything, and solve her problems. To be her strongest backing, but gradually, he discovered that Rongyue had a lot of secrets, he wanted to fight for her, but couldn't get in, what kind of distress should he be?
The refugees outside the city had dispersed and returned to their respective hometowns, but Qi Rongyue, who had devoted countless efforts to this, failed to show up at the city gate for several days to say goodbye to the refugees who were so grateful to her.

Who would have thought that the girl who used to be full of vigor and vigor is now lying on the bed with a haggard appearance, without a drop of rice for several days, and she is in pain!
(End of this chapter)

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