Chapter 404 Secret
Chapter 405

"Rongyue, what's wrong with you? Talk, talk!"

Zheng Zhongwen was sitting beside Qi Rongyue's bed, holding her hand tightly, looking at the girl who was crying but never said a word, his heart ached like a knife, she hadn't eaten for three days, he stayed with her She didn't eat the same grain of rice for three days, and guarded her for three days, and didn't close her eyes at the same night.

But no matter what he asked her, she never said a word, like a piece of dead wood, lifeless!
Jian Yun came in with plain porridge, put a bowl on the table, and delivered the other to Zheng Zhongwen: "Eat a little first, before the two of you both collapse."

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head, looking haggard, with a layer of stubble growing on his originally smooth face, full of helplessness and anxiety: "I can't eat, how long will she lie like this? If this continues, her body will not be able to bear it."

Jian Yun's eyes were red, she regarded her disciple as her own daughter, it was too bitter, too bitter!

She put down the bowl, sat where Zheng Zhongwen was sitting before, and said to Qi Rongyue, "You can't do this to yourself, have you forgotten your bloody hatred? If you have something wrong, who will avenge it? You What face do you have to go underground to meet your parents?"

"Everything you have now is hard-won. If you can't cherish it well, how can you be worthy of—" Seeing Qi Rongyue's sudden gaze, she immediately stopped talking. There are some words that she still can't say!
"Rongyue, listen to my advice, eat something and take care of your body. Only when you live in this world can you have a chance to take revenge, right?"

Qi Rongyue closed her eyes, and tears rolled down the corners of her eyes again. In front of her was Tian Qi's tear-stained face, and in those eyes was the surprise and excitement of facing her old friend.

Tianqi, I'm sorry, my sister is sorry for you, but my sister is useless and can't protect you well.

After a long time, she opened her eyes again, the hatred and resentment in her eyes were restrained, she sat up with her arms propped up, and said to Jian Yun in front of her, "Master, I'm hungry!"

Jian Yun was so happy that she burst into tears, crying and laughing again: "Okay, okay, if you're hungry, I'll get you something to eat!"

Zheng Zhongwen's eyes were also red with joy, she spoke, she finally spoke, he has a lot to ask her, it can be seen that she looks like this, but he can't ask, wait, wait, wait until she is in better spirits, It's never too late to ask.

Zheng Zhongwen took the porridge bowl from Jian Yun's hand and said, "I'll feed her."

Qi Rongyue didn't refuse either, and obediently drank the porridge one mouthful at a time.

After eating half of the porridge, Xue'er trotted in from the outside, seeing that the lady had already started eating, she was very happy, and hurriedly said: "Miss, King Jin is here and wants to see you."

Qi Rongyue looked at Zheng Zhongwen, Zheng Zhongwen got up quickly, handed the bowl to Xue'er, and said, "I'll go see him."

Zheng Zhongwen left the room and went downstairs quickly, and saw the tall and tall King Jin standing in the Rongyu Hall, as handsome as ever.

"King Jin!"

Min Hengzhi turned around and saw that it was Zheng Zhongwen and not Qi Rongyue who came, he couldn't help frowning: "Where's Miss Qi?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "She is not feeling well, she is asleep, what's the matter?"

Min Hengzhi looked up at the empty stairs: "Of course there is something to do."

"Just tell me what's going on, and I'll pass it on for you!"

Min Hengzhi shook his head: "You can't tell, I can only tell her about this."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, and his good mood immediately turned sour. He hated this feeling, which made him feel that he was an outsider and could never get in between them.

(End of this chapter)

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