Chapter 407 No Denial
Chapter 408

He is not afraid of death, he is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid that the girl in front of him will be sad, that she will be sad, that she will get sick, and that he will lose her.

As long as she is by my side, all difficulties are not difficulties.

Three days later, Min Hengzhi came to Rongyu Hall again, this time he didn't come alone, he also brought a person with him, a thin boy who was half a head shorter than him.

There are not many people who have seen him in the world, even less in Jincheng, but he still covers his face, so as not to be seen by those who are interested, and cause serious troubles.

Knowing that he would come today, Qi Rongyue got up early and worked all morning in the back kitchen, cooking a lot of his favorite dishes and snacks, some of which she didn't know how to cook, so she sent someone to the city to hire a chef Come to teach her by hand, and I made a whole table in a daze.

Zheng Zhongwen has been helping her, sweating profusely from time to time, muttering a few words from time to time: "What kind of distinguished guest is coming today, you are so happy, and you have cooked so many dishes, it is obvious that this person is in your heart She has a higher status than me, I hope it's a woman, if it's a man—hmph."

Qi Rongyue smiled and said, "If it's a man, what will you do?"

Zheng Zhongwen snorted, "Then I'll eat the whole table, there's nothing left!"

Qi Rongyue was amused by him, she couldn't straighten up with laughter, pointed at him and said: "You said this yourself, don't deny it."

While speaking, Xue'er walked briskly into the back kitchen, and said to Qi Rongyue, who was covered in flour, "Miss, King Jin is here."

Qi Rongyue hurriedly put down the plate in her hand and asked, "Is he alone?"

Xue'er shook her head: "No, I brought another one with me, covering my face, so I couldn't see clearly."

The smile on Qi Rongyue's face became brighter and brighter, and said: "Quickly, go and close the door of Rongyu Hall, no one is allowed to come in, give each of the guys two taels of silver in the afternoon, and let them not come back before dark."

Xue'er hurried to go, Zheng Zhongwen asked doubtfully: "Who is so mysterious, why do you need to send all the guys in the store away? Should I go?" He asked with a smile.

Qi Rongyue gave him a white look: "If you want to leave, you can leave now, if you don't want to leave, stop talking nonsense!" She hurriedly took off her apron, scooped a handful of water in the basin to wash her face, and took off her apron again. Put on a clean shirt for the coat full of oily smoke.

When Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen came out from the back kitchen, all the guys in the store had left. In the huge Rongyu Hall, only Min Hengzhi and Chu Tianqi were sitting, and Xueer was serving tea to them.

Chu Tianqi saw Qi Rongyue coming out from behind at a glance, and hurriedly stood up, his eyes were quite excited.

He thought that he would never see this sister again.

Min Hengzhi also stood up, looking at the eyes of the two of them glued together, he felt quite uncomfortable.

He could feel that Tian Qi was very wary of him.

But Tian Qi and Qi Rongyue only met once, and that short time was enough to make up for all the kindness he had shown him before.

Qi Rongyue walked up to Chu Tianqi, tears could not be restrained from falling in her eyes, she took off the cloth scarf on his face with trembling hands, looked at that familiar face, that pair of eyes that she could dream of almost every night Eye.

"Are you okay? Are you injured?" She reached out to hold his hand, and the palms of the two were shaking uncontrollably.

She finally saw her younger brother again, and he also saw the shadow of Sister Huang on her body again. Only Sister Huang, only Sister Huang, would look at him with such eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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