Chapter 408 Chu Tianqi

Chapter 409

Knowing that it is impossible, knowing that it is absurd, but Chu Tianqi is still unwilling to wake up from such a vision. He very much hopes that the girl in front of him is his imperial sister, the one who dotes on him and loves him, but also disciplines him severely. sister.

A man does not cry lightly. Since becoming Chu Lian's puppet, no matter how humiliated he has been, he has never shed a tear in front of Chu Lian. All the grievances and sorrows are hidden in his heart, but in Qi Rongyue's In front of him, the emotions that he originally wanted to hide can always be easily mobilized, and tears wet his eyes unconsciously.

He shook his head, his voice choked up: "I'm fine, I'm not hurt, how about you? These days, are you okay? I heard that you stopped the spread of the plague, is this true?"

She nodded, with tears in her eyes, her brother seemed to have grown up a lot, and he was no longer the child who loved to cling to her and was like an ass.

"I'm fine. As long as you're fine, I'm fine. Promise me that you will live no matter what. No matter how hard it is, you must persevere. One day, we will get back what belongs to us, everything! "


Chu Tianqi stared at the girl in front of him, she said, us?
He didn't question her words, but just nodded meekly: "Okay, I remember." She really looks like the emperor's sister, really like her, so let's treat her as her own, as her own emperor's sister.

Zheng Zhongwen has been looking at Chu Tianqi, an 11-year-old boy with a handsome face and a noble temperament.

In terms of temperament alone, he is really similar to Rong Yue.

It's just the appearance - he seems to have seen him, where is it?Where have you seen it?
Zhongwen tried hard to search his memory, and suddenly there was a thunder in his mind. He remembered that last August, when the new emperor came to the throne, he had seen this face. Haggard, not as tall as he is now, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe that doesn't fit well, standing on the altar of the Chu family's ancestral temple, lighting the bunch of yellow incense with trembling hands.

He is the emperor, and he is the eldest princess' younger brother, Chu Tianqi.

"Are you the emperor?" Zheng Zhongwen asked suddenly.

Chu Tianqi looked at him, sized him up, and suddenly said, "Are you the Prince Yongping?"

He was born as a prince, under one person, above tens of thousands, that kind of domineering aura, there is no need to deliberately express it, it will always be revealed inadvertently.

Zheng Zhongwen was sure that he was the emperor, and was about to salute, but Qi Rongyue grabbed him: "We are all from our own family, so you don't need to be too polite. You can just call him Brother Qi from now on."

Zheng Zhongwen pursed his lips and smiled, he understood, and immediately said to Chu Tianqi: "Brother Qi."

Chu Tianqi also laughed, this was the first time he laughed, the first time he smiled sincerely after his father and queen mother's accident.

He thought that he was abandoned by the heavens, he thought that he had no relatives in this world, but he never thought that today, he has a sister again, and there are people who sincerely want to help him.

"Brother Zhongwen, I still remember you. At the palace banquet three years ago, you were drunk and ran wildly in the imperial garden alone. The guards almost caught you as an assassin. I sent someone to send you back."

Zheng Zhongwen didn't remember this at all, but he heard from his father that he drank too much that day and said that it was convenient to go out, but he never came back. He was so anxious that he begged the emperor to send someone to look for it, but he searched all over the palace and couldn't find it. His figure could only go back to the mansion later, only to find that he had already been sent back. The person who sent him back didn't say who sent him back. Unexpectedly, it was Chu Tianqi.

(End of this chapter)

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