Chapter 409 Explained
Chapter 410

Fate is really a wonderful thing, some people, some things, although missed, but if there is a real fate, there will be a time to meet again!
Min Hengzhi looked at Chu Tianqi who showed a sincere smile to Zheng Zhongwen, and his heart became more and more uncomfortable. In the eyes of Chu Tianqi and Qi Rongyue, he will never be able to compare with Zheng Zhongwen. The wrong things he has done will not be because of his remorse and disappear.

Qi Rongyue took Chu Tianqi's hand and asked with a smile, "Are you hungry? I prepared something you like, go and try it!"

Chu Tianqi was pulled away by her, looking at the girl's slender back, seeing the familiar pace, he had an impulse, an impulse to call her Huangjie.

The girl in front of him, except for her appearance and voice, her temperament, eyes, walking posture, and the familiar feeling she gave him, were all exactly the same as Miss Huang.

When he came to the back kitchen, he looked at the table full of food, the things he loved since he was a child, almond cheese, sweet-scented osmanthus crisps, salt and pepper chicken, winter melon cup, and honey stuffed meat. . .

"Did my sister tell you? I like to eat these."

Qi Rongyue's nose was slightly sour, and she forced a smile and said: "Yes, senior sister often mentions you to me, telling me what you like to eat, what you like to play, what mischievous things you have done, and how good your homework is. No matter how many compliments she has received from her master, she will always tell me that there are no secrets between me and my senior sister."

is it?

Chu Tianqi nodded, yes, it should be, otherwise, how can it be explained?

After the meal, everyone gathered in the study on the second floor. The study is not big, and after five chairs are placed, it is basically full.

The five sat down, and Jian Yun spoke first: "Tianqi, what are you going to do?"

Chu Tianqi already knew clearly that these people in front of him were the only people he could trust, and they were the only support for him to regain the throne. He had to trust them unconditionally and keep no secrets.

Chu Tianqi said: "I don't know if you have ever heard of the Black Cavalry Army?"

Naturally, they have heard of the prestige of the Black Cavalry Army, and they also know that the Black Cavalry Army is a secret army directly under the emperor, and only the emperor knows where it is stationed. No one knows the secret of whether it can be mobilized or how.

Qi Rongyue asked: "Do you want to mobilize the Black Cavalry?"

Chu Tianqi nodded: "We have nothing to rely on. The Black Cavalry is the only army I can mobilize."

Zheng Zhongwen has always been full of curiosity about the Black Cavalry Army. He once pestered his father to tell him many stories about the Black Cavalry Army. Now that he heard the name again, the blood hidden in his heart began to stir again.

"Brother Qi, do you know where the Black Cavalry Army is?" Zheng Zhongwen asked.

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "I only know that I am in Mobei, but I don't know the exact location."

Qi Rongyue blurted out: "Then father—" She stopped her mouth in panic, and said with a dry smile: "Then your father didn't leave you a map or something?"

Chu Tianqi said: "Father said that all the secrets of the Black Cavalry Army are hidden in a painting. That painting has been kept in the imperial study room before. It is an inconspicuous painting. I am also looking for opportunities I searched for it, but never found it, so it must have been taken away by Chu Lian."

"So, this painting is now in Prince Lian's Mansion?" Min Hengzhi frowned. Prince Lian's Mansion is heavily guarded, and trying to steal something from Prince Lian's Mansion is more difficult than entering the palace.

Chu Tianqi nodded: "It should be. I overheard two eunuchs gossip before, saying that Chu Lian moved all the things belonging to the emperor from the imperial study to Prince Lian's residence, and there was nothing left."

(End of this chapter)

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