Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 410 The Banner of Suppressing Bandits

Chapter 410 The Banner of Suppressing Bandits

Chapter 411

Although Prince Lian's mansion is solid like gold, even wild flies can't get in, but there is one person who can come in and out anytime and anywhere.

Qi Rongyue looked at Min Hengzhi, he is the king of Jin and the future son-in-law of Chu Lian, if he wants to go in, he only needs to say a word, and no one will doubt him.

Zheng Zhongwen also looked at Min Hengzhi, and said with a smile: "It seems that this matter has to trouble King Jin. With the relationship between King Jin and Princess Tianxin, it must not be too difficult to handle this matter."

What can Min Hengzhi say?What else could he say besides nodding in agreement?And indeed no one is more suitable than him.

He nodded: "Okay, leave this matter to me. Tianqi is staying in Rongyu Hall for a while waiting for news from me."

Zheng Zhongwen glanced at Qi Rongyue beside him, and then at Chu Tianqi on the other side, he said to Min Hengzhi: "This time, when you enter Beijing, after you get the painting, you can do one more thing for me!"

Min Hengzhi raised his eyebrows: "Do something for you? What is it?"

Zheng Zhongwen said sternly: "If you speak to Chu Lian, you say that after the flood, the refugees will become bandits all over the country, which may cause serious trouble. Please ask him to send troops to wipe out the bandits."

Min Hengwen didn't understand what he meant: "What do you want to do?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "There are troops stationed at the foot of Qiliang Mountain outside Jincheng. As long as Chu Lian agrees to send troops to suppress the bandits, he will not send troops from other places. You will definitely be asked to send troops from the garrison to suppress the bandits. In this way, a leader is needed. You are the king of Jin, so you are naturally not suitable. In order to save some trouble, Chu Lian will definitely ask you to recommend suitable candidates. At that time, you can choose a few people as candidates, and I am one of them. Believe me, Chu Lian will definitely choose me."

Chu Tianqi was puzzled: "How can you be sure that Chu Lian will definitely choose you?"

Zheng Zhongwen smiled lightly: "Because Chu Lian is suspicious by nature and has a cruel and cruel personality, he is very afraid of such an existence as the Yongping Houfu, and I am the only heir of the Yongping Houfu. He actually wants me to die, as long as I die , the Marquis of Yongping will be cut off, and the 20 military power in Longxi will return to him earlier than he expected."

Qi Rongyue was so entangled in her heart that she had been unwilling to let Zhongwen fall into her revenge plan, but now——the situation seemed to be out of her control.

Chu Tianqi showed joy, and hurriedly said: "So, you want to openly escort me to Mobei under the banner of suppressing bandits?"

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "You pretend to be a soldier and mix with me. I will definitely send you safely to Mobei and find the Black Cavalry Army."

Jian Yun nodded, his eyes were full of appreciation: "This is really a good idea. It can not only go all the way north in an open and aboveboard manner, without causing suspicion, but also temporarily protect the safety of the Yongping Hou Mansion."

Qi Rongyue said: "It is indeed feasible, but with Chu Lian's temperament, once he senses something is wrong, he will definitely attack the Yongping Houfu."

Zheng Zhongwen patted the back of her hand and said with a smile: "I have already thought about it. After I go to Mobei, I will send someone to send Zhou Bo's token to Zhou Guo. Seeing that his son died tragically in the Chu Dynasty, the old king of Zhou must definitely I will not let it go, when that time comes, there will be smoke on the border of Longxi, and my father, as the commander of the 20 army in Longxi, will naturally go to suppress the battle, and I will send someone else to send a letter to my father, asking him to secretly bring the family in the mansion together Leaving the capital, as long as you reach Longxi, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, even if Chu Lian becomes suspicious, so what?"

Chu Tianqi showed joy on his face: "So, as long as Lord Zheng Hou arrives in Longxi safely with his family, we will have another 20 troops to help us?"

(End of this chapter)

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