Chapter 411 Plan
Chapter 412

Zheng Zhongwen nodded with a smile: "This is your help. I think if my father knows my plan, he will definitely agree."

Chu Tianqi stood up, bowed his hands towards Zheng Zhongwen and made a big salute: "Thank you!"

Zheng Zhongwen got up quickly, returned a salute, and said: "It's all what I should do, no thanks!"

The plan was agreed, and the five of them discussed some details, and they didn't disperse until night fell.

An earth-shattering plan to seize power took shape in this unremarkable Rongyu Hall.

Min Hengzhi rushed back to Kyoto overnight and started the first step of the plan.


Qi Rongyue sent away the last patient in Rongyu Hall, seeing that it was still early, she changed into a new outfit, and led Chu Tianqi, who had changed his face, out, "Have you not been out of the palace for a long time?"

Chu Tianqi nodded: "Well, it's been a long time, so long that I can't remember the last time I went out to play in the palace!"

She held her younger brother's hand tightly and said with a smile: "Jincheng is also very lively, I'll take you for a stroll."

Although Chu Tianqi's mind is much more mature than the average peers, he is still a boy who has just turned 11 years old, so he naturally has no resistance to new things.

Walking on the street, I saw many people saying hello to Qi Rongyue, and from time to time someone stuffed melons and fruits into their hands, looking at Qi Rongyue with such admiration and respect.

"I didn't expect that you are really popular in Jincheng!" Chu Tianqi said with a smile as he threw a red date into his mouth.

Qi Rongyue shrugged: "Actually, the greatest credit for being able to suppress the spread of the plague this time is the master, not me. It's just that the master planned future events in order to win the hearts of the people, so all the credit is put on me, people. They didn't know it, but they still said it was true, and offered me as a living Bodhisattva."

Chu Tianqi nodded: "My sister also said in the letter she wrote to me that Master is the best and best person she has ever met, and the closest relative besides my parents and me."

Qi Rongyue didn't know about this letter. She wrote this letter by herself. In fact, she didn't think that Master was the best person at that time, because at that time, Master always asked her to do things that she had never done before. To bear the pressure that she thought was going to crush her.

She wrote that letter just to make her father, mother, queen, and younger brother happy.

It wasn't until later that she understood the master's good intentions. Human beings can only become a real master if they endure hardships.

All of her achievements today are due to her hard work back then.

"Brother Qi, don't worry, my sister is here, everything is there, my sister will definitely let you return to your original position, and my sister will definitely avenge my senior sister!"

Chu Tianqi was very at ease. He had never felt at ease like this before, trusting a person like this. As long as it was what she said, he would believe it, unconditionally.

"Sister, I will protect you too, just like my own sister!" This was his promise to her.

"It's a deal!" She stopped and looked at him sideways. The boy in front of her was almost as tall as her. On his delicate face, the childishness was still intact, but his eyes were unusually tough.

He nodded heavily: "Well, it's a deal!"

In the middle of the night, Chu Tianqi had already fallen asleep, Jian Yun came to Qi Rongyue's room, sat by her bed without lighting the lamp, and asked in a low voice, "Why didn't you tell him?"

(End of this chapter)

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